Page 69 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
P. 69

                                C (Kohima) Company
      Maj Deepe Rawji
The arrival of 2022 saw C Coy embrace change and different challenges. The demand for our unit is growing and our reservists are increasingly involved in a varied spectrum of work. Battalion and company level training, field exercises, operations and recruitment are just a few of our growing commitments.
Throughout this year, CSgt Boyle, who hails from Warrington and Sgt Hardy, who hails from Chesterfield, have increased the training team’s demands by churning a talented cohort of potential recruits into the system. They have been working around the clock to ensure the administration, pre-learning modules and uniform fitting are fulfilled. We have worked with a total
of 31 recruits. all at varying stages in the recruitment pipeline from initial attestation up to their attendance at the Combat Infantry Course(R). We have also had three ex-regular soldiers re-join in addition to
five transfers in from other units. The team have also been central to delivering quality potential officers and have supported
two individuals as they passed the Army Officer Selection Board. Sgt Hardy has also been a dedicated attendee at many sub-unit community engagement events representing the unit at events across
the county, ensuring that his team are representing the Mercian brand across all communities.
LCpl Tweneboa from London enjoying a spot of Kayaking in Anglesey
plaque commending 4 MERCIAN for their performance.
A small group of C Coy personnel deployed to Croatia to participate with
156 Regt RLC on Ex SAVA STAR, a light role infantry company skills exercise. Troops from C Coy were heavily involved in delivering ranges and providing mentoring for tactics and planning.
We also had three members of the coy deploy to the USA on Ex NORTHERN
mountain biking and kayaking. Hopefully, he will be about as he recently got selected for the Army XC MTB Team – congratulations!
C Coy also formed the majority of the
Bn running team which, in November, competed in the Athens Marathon. All completed it with times under 4:30 hours and a special thanks goes to Lt Jack Poade who planned the event.
This year has seen many additional qualifications attained by our personnel. CSgt Leverton has completed RMQ1-3 and has already conducted a coy ACMT,
Lt Jack Poade has completed PCBC(R) and WO2 (CSM) Woodward has completed the CBRN Instructor course. LCpl Ward and Pte Draper completed PJNCO cadres and have come back full of knowledge and improvements to their personal soldiering skills. Pte Foreman from Mansfield and LCpl Ward have also skilled up as Assault Pioneers. Finally, LCpl Tweneboa achieved top student on his RSDC course, well done to all.
It has given me immense pleasure to see promotions in the coy seeing individuals reap the benefits of their hard work and commitment. Our congratulations go to LCpl Khan (RAMC CMT1), LCpls Frow and Ward (Assault Pioneers) on achieving their first stripe! Well done to Lt Jack Poade on attaining the coveted ‘second pip’ and lastly but not least, to those individuals who have achieved CIC (R) passes in this training year.
We welcome 2Lt Matthew Pattle who has recently commissioned into C Coy.
An ex-Royal Marine turning doctor, he has been a fine addition to our officer cohort. He has recently been awarded his medical bursary and we look forward to seeing him complete his studies and move onto becoming the next generation of doctors that the military offers.
The remainder of the coy have kept busy with readiness activities across the country.
They also managed to hitch a ride in a Blackhawk!
STRIKE with 7 RIFLES. This was a field training exercise working alongside US forces. They also managed
to hitch a ride in a Blackhawk!
 C Coy have led the pre-
deployment activities for
in Lithuania) and provided the Coy HQ for the deployed ORBAT in addition to many within the platoons. CSgt Leverton, who hails from Chilwell, stepped into the role
of CSM effectively administering a mixture of Reserve and Regular personnel within a coy group on a tactical overseas exercise. The entire operational output of the exercise was deemed a success with the CO of the Host Nation Battlegroup presenting the
OC, Maj Deepe Rawji, with a presentational
Sgt Hardy from Chesterfield (left) attending the Charter of Worksop Event
The coy have had many individuals deployed on operations
both in the UK and overseas. We have been involved on Op CABRIT, Op RESCRIPT and Op UNITY as well as individuals committing to High Readiness for UK Standby Battalion UK Resilience tasks predominantly in preparation to react to Local Authority MACA requests in the event of flooding across the Midlands. Most recently, C Coy troops have mobilised to provide a UK Border Force role in the event that the organisation takes industrial action.
C Coy personnel are also looking forward to mobilising on Op INTERFLEX which is the UK’s effort to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces training in the UK.
It is not always all work and no play. The coy visited the coast of Anglesey in North Wales to carry out Adventurous Training. Troops participated in rock climbing, kayaking, abseiling and coasteering. 2Lt James Payne, who hails from Nottingham, is currently planning our next AT activity for 2023 which will involve

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