Page 101 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 101

                                 Derbyshire Celebration of Youth
To mark the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen, the youth of Derbyshire came together to perform in a musical spectacular at the Assembly Rooms in Derby. The Derbyshire Army Cadet Force Regimental Band coordinated the musical content
and rehearsals which took part on many occasions throughout the months leading up to the concert.
The concert hall was full and included distinguished guests from around the County including Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant, Mr. Willie Tucker, who gave the opening address and welcomed all to the celebration.
The concert started with a muster of standards, banners and flags including those of post-service organisations, cadet forces and other youth organisations from around the County
so proud of all that took part this evening. They have performed like professionals and went well beyond what was asked of them. I would like to thank all the soloists whose performance put the icing on the cake.”
The concert organisers, Wg Cdr Phil Giles and Lt Col Chris Young would like to congratulate all those that took part in the evening and particularly with special thanks to C/Sgt Adrian Beckett MBE for being the host and compere and his team, who gave up their time during a very busy schedule. It goes without saying that these events
do not happen without the tireless work of those behind the scenes. We acknowledge the work of Capt Nigel Reeve, the Band Support Officer, for his dedication to the detail required for the concert’s success.
The concert retiring collection, including gift aid, raised £1964 for the Derbyshire Children’s Holiday Centre Charity (at Skegness).
This concert would not have been possible without the support of Derby City Council, East Midlands Reserve Forces Association, Derby Live and Derbyshire Army Cadet Force.
 of Derbyshire, to the march “The Derby Ram”. The evening’s music included a
choir made up from all organisations taking part, vocal soloists, a harpist and a concert pianist. The special effects, lighting and
live video stream to a big screen above the stage made the evening unforgettable.
The programme of music was varied and concluded with the audience waving their Union Flags to Land of Hope and Glory, rule Britannia and the national Anthem.
The band included support from the
Air Training Corps, Derbyshire Girl Guiding, ACF Counties from the UK and the Regimental Band of the Mercian Regiment and their Bandmaster WO1 Anthony Evans. All in all, there were over 100 musicians performing during the evening.
 The Director of Music, Lt Pete Ward was overwhelmed with the way the band and soloists performed and said, “I am
The programme of music was varied and concluded with the
audience waving their Union Flags to Land of Hope and Glory, Rule Britannia and the National Anthem.
 Derbyshire Cadets in Queen’s Jubilee Honour
In June, three Derbyshire cadets were given the tremendous honour of playing a key role in Her Majesty The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee visit to Nottingham. The cadets, Sergeants Sam George and Gemma Wells-Cole and Corporal Rachel Oram were given this unique opportunity as part of a group of young people and adults from various youth organisations, armed services veterans and military charity representatives invited to line Her Majesty’s route into Nottingham Council House on The Old Market Square.
Said Gemma: “This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. It was an incredible feeling when The Queen came up the stairs towards me and The Duchess of Cambridge said hello to us.”
“It was incredible to get so close to The Royal Family” added Rachel, “I felt privileged to be collecting flowers from the crowd for The Queen.”
Key to the event was Derbyshire ACF Regimental Sergeant- Major Paula Hickerman, who was second-in-command
for the youth services element of the day and pivotal to
the organisation. RSM Hickerman said: “The members of Derbyshire Army Cadet Force have today represented the county with the utmost professionalism. They were all smart and well turned-out and a credit to the county.”
Following The Queen’s departure the group was amused to find themselves the centre of attention while taking photos on the Council House steps. A steady stream of tourists and well- wishers were keen to have their photo taken with the cadets
and adults including one particularly enthusiastic Japanese man waving a large Union Flag!
Further Derbyshire ACF representation on the day was given by 2Lt. Adrian Dobb and AUO Elaine Oram, in charge of the Youth Leaders and Posy Parties respectively.

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