Page 114 - Mercian Eagle 2012
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 Gideons’ Presentation
We are grateful for the generous donation of 2,500 copies of the New Testament & Psalms which were given to the Mercian Regiment by the Sutton Coldfield Branch of the Gideons. These are beautifully crested with a Mercian Eagle.
Captain Stuart Dixon, Lt. Col Richard Spiby, Neil & Anne Spink and Lt. Col Dominic Wilford – 14 March 2012
ont cover
          A Mum’s War
Kim Spencer from Church Gresley, near Swadlincote in Derbyshire, is the mother of Sam, a soldier in 3 MERCIAN. When the Battalion was in Afghanistan in 2011, she experienced the fear that every parent feels when their son or daughter is away on operations.
Her way of coping with the isolation was to record her feelings in poems, which she subsequently published in a booklet, called ‘A Mum’s War’. Interest in the publication has spread and many other parents bought copies and she has featured on both radio and her local papers. She was assisted by other ‘Mercian Mums’ and they formed an important support group during the tour which continued during Op Herrick 16 and continues through 17. She dedicated the book to the late Private Gareth Bellingham. To order a book contact
Book signing event in Swadlincote, Kim Spencer (standing on the left) with help from fellow Mums, Paula Rabould, Helen Brittle and Mandy Rollinson – 24 April 2012.
The memorial window at St Luke’s Church, Frodsham, commissioned by the parents of LCpl James Leneghan who was tragically killed on Mont Blanc on 3rd June 2002.
                                 Great War
Before the Prime Minster’s public announcement about the importance of commemorating the Great War, which he made in October 2012; you will be pleased to hear that our own people have been quietly preparing. Nottinghamshire’s effort is being spearheaded by Nottingham Castle and items form the WFR collection will be made available. Worcestershire’s plans
are coming together and Worcestershire stalwart Colonel John Lowles is rumoured to be involved in planning and preparation.
In Cheshire, Eddie Pickering has been dealing with the Commune of Quievrain
in Belgium on a project to commemorate
the 100th Anniversary of The Cheshire Regiment’s part in the Battle of Mons. He has help kick start “Chester Remembers” which is an initiative adopted by the local council which aims to bring together the whole community in commemorating the Great War. Already planned is a service in Chester Cathedral in September 2014, a recreation
of the march of the 700 employees of the Lever Brothers Factory who enlisted in the Cheshire Regiment in September 1914. Finally, Eddie is planning a 2015 Battlefield Tour on behalf of The Mercian Regiment, to cover the areas where battalions of all five ante-antecedent Regiments fought.
Staffordshire County Council held its
first great War Commemoration meeting
in October 2012 and their intention is to market and promote all the events. The Staffordshire Regiment Museum formed a Great War Commemoration Team in 2011 and it is planning to upgrade the Museum’s Outdoor Trench, run WW1 re-enactor events and then visit towns to run Kitchener Style Recruiting Fairs. We have met with Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council
and have touched base with Lichfield, Tamworth, and Wolverhampton Councils, but the other cities and boroughs will follow in due course.

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