Page 24 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 24

 Unit Welfare Office by Capt Gough
 The Welfare Office has seen a number of changes to staff over the past 12 months in order to prepare ourselves for the Battalion’s next deployment to Afghanistan on Op HERRICK 17. Sgt Lambert has moved to the QM’s Dept to be replaced by Sgt Hughes. A big thanks to Sgt Lambert for his work in the Welfare Office during his time with us. Also departed from our team is Pte McEvoy who has now left the Army; we wish him well. New members to our team are LCpl Mitchell and Pte Wyper.
One of our major events worthy of note over the past year was our wives’ memorial walk. A group of 26 wives had a plan to get involved in helping to raise money for the
1 MERCIAN Memorial Fund. Unfortunately for me their plan was to walk over Mount Snowdon! After many sleepless nights we arrived at Pen-y-Pass on the morning of Saturday 9 June 2012 ready to go. At 0900 we started our assent up the Pyg Track
just as the rain started, and this turned out to be our companion for the day. Some 3
hours later we reached the Summit of Mt Snowdon and after a short 30 min stop
we headed down via the Miners’ Track. All those who took part did an amazing job and raised £2433.50 for our Battalion’s memorial fund. All in all we all had a great day despite the terrible weather. Cup cakes and wine brought a smile to our faces on the coach journey back to Catterick and
to all those who took part a massive well done. I must also thank the QM (T) for his help and assistance during the day, without him and his team we would not have been able to go ahead.
We are now preparing our team for the forthcoming deployment, planning events for families etc. Our families’ briefing day was a great success, and my thanks to all the hard work from those involved in planning the day. We all look forward to the Battalion’s safe return from Afghanistan early next year.
UWO Staff
Capt V R Gough
Sgt Hughes Cpl Drape LCpl Mitchell Pte Wyper
Valerie Willis
 The wives and Team at the summit of Mt Snowdon
                                 Catering Platoon
The past twelve months have been a very busy period for the catering platoon; it has seen us in preparations for feeding in a conventional war fighting role whilst exercising in Kenya to MST and feeding from a variety of purpose built and sometimes hastily erected kitchen areas be they in Lydd, Thetford, Warminster or Salisbury Plain.
Prior to Kenya the department has been involved in some sporting achievements, including a very strong show in the inter Company swimming competition where the HQ Company team was captained by Sgt “Martin” Nicholson with Sgt “Dave” Hill and Pte “Steph” Percival both participating and all of whom achieved a first or second place in their individual races. Sgt Nicholson has also represented the Battalion and the Army in a number of Triathlon events and achieved some very good results. The department has been focused on doing their upmost to raise funds for the memorial fund with various catering events and £500 was raised by Sgt Nicholson when he competed in the Greater Manchester Marathon. We have continued to push the progress of professional development and several individuals have achieved ‘NVQ’ awards including the highest catering certificated qualifications. Unashamedly our catering department is now seen
as the subject matter experts within 4 Brigade for all NVQ related matters, with chefs regularly approaching us for assistance from across the Garrison area. The recent deployment to Kenya saw the department working at its highest level in a very austere environment providing food at many different locations. Turraco Farm in particular was regularly catering for almost 1000 soldiers, and this was achieved in a professional manner reflecting the dedication of the caterers. FOB Simba was possibly the hottest catering location
Pte ‘Ginge’ Handley (Cat Pl) being fed to the crocodiles on AT in Kenya
and 1 MERCIAN caterers have not escaped this. Those individuals notified of redundancy have dealt with it well and have moved
on to civilian employment very quickly. We should not forget the day to day core business of the catering platoon which includes numerous ‘high profile’ functions planned and facilitated throughout the year and also the three meals a day produced every single
day of the year in the Cheeseman Dining Facility and our Officers’ and Sgts’ Messes. At the same time as we draft these notes
our first 10 Chefs are on route to Afghanistan with the rest of the
anyone had experienced with temperatures in
the field kitchens registering over 65 degrees centigrade throughout the day. Credit to our boys and girls who endured this to ensure that the BG were fed well and to a high standard throughout the deployment.
Chefs throughout the Army are undergoing a difficult time with recent redundancy tranches
FOB Simba was possibly the hottest catering location anyone had experienced...
4 Brigade caterers and will be deployed within the Battalion occupied Bases. The chefs have proved themselves over a busy period of pre
- deployment training and have met all of the requirements with ease. The success of the Catering Pl is not just due to our own skills and hard work but also is a result of the investment from the Battalion and the way it makes us feel very much part of the Mercian family.

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