Page 25 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 25

                                 Boxing Squad
1 MERCIAN Boxing Squad has had a phenomenal year’s boxing. Building on
the success of last year the team has gone from strength to strength. On return from summer leave the squad was soon back into training. The much anticipated re- match against 1 SCOTS had been set for 13 Dec in Catterick. Given the success during the first event in Edinburgh the squad was very keen to cement their place as winners.
The training took on an all too familiar focus but with lots of good practices from the previous season. Sgt Howard and Sgt Done continued as the coaches and devised a training programme to teach, train and test all of the squad. This training was further enhanced by visits to the Carl Greaves Academy in Newark. This is a professional boxing gym run by an ex-world champion (Carl Greaves). Pte Unsworth uses this
gym to train for his bouts and was training there for his title defence. This professional environment rubbed off on to the squad, and all who attended benefited from this experience. Fighting against professional boxers will always sharpen your defence!!!!
After three months of intensive training, the night was upon us. Anticipation was reaching fever pitch as the VIPs settled into their seats. Both Bns were eager for victory. A skills contest started the evening between Ptes Biddle and Enright both 1 MERCIAN.
A close contest, with the win awarded
to Pte Enright. The next three bouts
were all extremely close; Cfn Domaglaski
(1 MERCIAN LAD) won his bout whilst
Ptes Lockett and Marriott were judged runners up. At the interval 1 SCOTS were ahead 2-1. As in Edinburgh the second
half produced a louder atmosphere with boxers and spectators bouncing off each other. 1 MERCIAN did not lose a bout after the interval and Pte Marriott, Pte Greatex, LCpl Griffiths, Pte Roberts and Pte Hassall produced some outstanding boxing. The re-match between LCpl (now Cpl) Griffiths and Pte Frame (Army Lt Welter Champion) was probably the most anticipated bout
of the evening. LCpl Griffiths had not completed much of the training as he
had been on SCBC. As in Edinburgh he produced an outstanding display of front foot boxing and gave his opponent nowhere to hide or rest. A truly fantastic victory by
LCpl Griffiths. At the end of the contest 1 SCOTS had proven themselves as great fighters but 1 MERCIAN were victorious by five bouts to two. The award for Best Boxer was given to Pte Hassall.
The final event of the boxing calendar was the Army Individual Championships held in May 2012 at Aldershot. Ptes Enright and Hassall were entered with Pte Barnes acting as coach. Pte Enright had a long wait for his preliminary round fight but sadly ended as runner up. Pte Hassall made
it to the semi-final of his weight category but was judged as runner up. Of note:
his opponent went on to win the weight category. For his effort and skill Pte Hassall has been selected for the Army Boxing Squad for the 2012-2013 Season. We wish him well.
             THE MERCIAN EAGLE

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