Page 26 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 26

  Warrant Officers’ & Sergeants’ Mess by WO2 Budworth PMC
It has been a busy twelve months for the Warrant Officers & Sergeants Mess, with the pace of life being ramped up because of HFT final exercise in Kenya and the MST training for our up coming deployment to OP Herrick 17, because of this we have struggled to get all the mess members together, however we have got in some quality event’s the best of which was the Summer Ball which had an Olympic theme. (Fancy dress was a must) The weather was against us as it was raining cats and dogs but it didn’t dampen anyone’s spirits and as soon as everyone had had a couple of drinks the rain didn’t seem to matter.
We started the evening with the opening ceremony and a former Battalion Athlete Sgt “Wesley” Hutton who carried the torch into the stadium and lit the Olympic flame. This took longer than expected and that’s why he is a former Battalion athlete.
After the torch was lit the games began with the dizzy relay which was won by CSM Carl “Lechy Lecherton” Beesley and Csgt “Skinny” Hill, with Sgt`s “Sumo” Simpson and “Dicko”Dickinson coming a close second. Several event’s followed including the three-legged long jump and the left handed welly boot throwing before we
broke for the meal which was the highlight of the evening. The food was amazing and I would like to thank the Chefs on behalf of the RSM Tony “Kick Ass” Blackshaw for all their efforts.
The best event of the evening was the triathlon which involved a short run followed by a swim in a large paddling pool and
a scooter race. As the competitors lined
up at the start and had the rules read to them: CSgt Bugsy “Cat Fingers” Malone Support Companies runner, was missing; when we found him a short time later, to say he had had a bit to much to drink was an understatement. So he was put on the start line and the starting pistol was fired. It was well worth the wait because Bugsy was entertainment on a “You’ve Been Framed” level; not only did he run off in the wrong direction but he decided to fall into every paddling pool and trip over several times during his epic display this is until the booze took its toll and he had to be taken to the toilet. An amazing night had by all.
We have one more event lined up before we deploy onto Herrick 17 which is a ladies’ dinner night. Just to say thank you for all the support that our other halves give to us during the lead-up to and the deployment.
Summer party in full flow
 Sgt Hutton smashes another PFT!
                                150-mile Memorial March for Fallen Comrades
Soldiers based at Marne Barracks, Catterick Garrison (including Cpl Mark Tonner, 29, who is still recovering from serious injuries caused by an improvised explosive device in 2010 in Afghanistan) marched from their barracks to Chester Cathedral, a distance of 150 miles
in four days, to raise money for a memorial to their fallen comrades from the Battalion, and for ABF – the Soldiers’
At the time of the march the Battalion was preparing for another tour in Afghanistan. Capt Elms explained that although Mark is unable to deploy to Afghanistan as he is still recovering from his injuries, he was eager to do his bit. Mark, who suffered serious nerve damage to one arm, trained for the march by regularly walking
 The men left Marne Barracks at 6am Tuesday, July 24, arriving in Chester Cathedral 12 noon Friday, July 27.
At the time of the march the Battalion was preparing for another tour in Afghanistan.
the 16 miles from his home at RAF Leeming to Marne Barracks. He said: “It wasn’t easy but a tour of Afghanistan isn’t easy”.
The idea is to erect a memorial to the fallen Soldiers of the Battalion at Marne Barracks. The obelisk in Cheshire stone, topped by our Mercian Eagle, also carved in stone, will cost approx £50,000. “We feel very strongly about it. Everyone in the Battalion is helping with the fund-raising. It all got off the ground when every member of the
Day one saw them heading for Skipton
through Bedale, Ripon and Harrogate. Support
along the route was strong as the Battalion
enjoys good relations with the people of North
Yorkshire. The route then passed through
the core recruiting areas of the Battalion – including Manchester, Stockport and Warrington. Mercian spokesman, Capt John Elms MBE, who also took part in the march, said: “The memorial is FOR the soldiers FROM the soldiers and demonstrates the deep camaraderie within the Battalion.”
Battalion donated £25”, said Capt Elms.
During the march, Mark took the lead and set the pace, supported
by Capt Elms, WO2 Billy Budworth, CSgt Ian Wilson and Cpl Sean Mills.

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