Page 36 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 36

 Op OLYMPICS by Pte Crowder
As part of C Company 2 MERCIAN, we were tasked to provide security at the beating heart of the Olympic games – the Olympic Park itself. Contrary to the rumours and horror stories, the accommodation was a pleasant surprise: we stayed at Hainault Park, just half an hour away from Stratford, in
steeplechase. This itself was all higly enjoyable to watch, even if the main event was undoubtedly seeing the world’s fastest man, Usain Bolt, retain the Olympic gold and break a new world record. The only slight disappointment maybe was the lack of Team GB athletes
the relative luxury of 4 man rooms with en-suite bathrooms, with 2 cookhouses to choose from, a NAAFI and some welfare facilities. On the few days we had off, this all came in handy.
The Olympic Park itself was celeb central, and coming through our security lane we got to gladhand and pose for photographs with such giants as Boris Johnson, Ashley Cole, Stuart Broad, David Cameron, Rafael Van Der Vaart, Keith Lemon, Kelly Holmes – to name but a few.
The highlight, though, without any doubt was watching the 100metre men’s final. As a civilian you would have had to pay some big money to watch this...
representing the country in the final of this event. To know that I was there in person makes me
feel as if I’ve witnessed a great part of history, and will be able to recall this personally when the event gets referred to for many years to come. Watching it on TV is one thing – however you just don’t feel the same as you do when you watch it live in the first person. Believe me watching that 9.69 seconds looks a lot quicker on the track than on the television too. We will never get another chance in our lifetime to see the Olympics on home soil, let alone be such a big part of the running of the games themselves. Being stood behind the scanners for long hours,
 The highlight, though, without any doubt was
watching the 100metre men’s final. As a civilian
you would have had to pay some big money to
watch this, the must see of all Olympic events. Despite being on the upper tier, we had an excellent view of the competition unfolding and could soak up the electric atmosphere. I saw the semi finals
of the 100m first, before the final, high jump, discus and the
day after day, didn’t always feel that great. But actually, most of us have taken away a real sense of pride in the fact that without our key contribution, none of it may have happened at all.
                                  Soldiers with Ashley Cole
reliably informed dresses right of centre), Chief of the Defence Staff, Commander Land Forces and Commander 19 Light Brigade.
2 MERCIAN, who represented Team GB in the Paralympic Games.
The troops were also able to put their keen eyes, more
Boris Johnson and 2 MERCIAN
of the Company. The honour was too much for some, with Kelly Brook among those embarrassing herself by swooning over the Company Second-in-Command. [Editor’s note. No photographic evidence was provided to substantiate this wild and unlikely claim].
During moments of down time,
the Company were able to explore the bright lights of London. First prize for initiative must go to the lads who talked their way into having a photo taken outside 10 Downing Street where, sadly the Prime Minister was not available to put the kettle on.
The Op OLYMPICS deployment gave the Company the opportunity to contribute to a unique experience for the Armed Forces and nation as a whole. As well as facilitating a secure games our MERCIAN soldiers have greatly enhanced the public reputation of the Regiment and of the British Army: they did so by maintaining the utmost of professional standards while maintaining a healthy social life along the way. The Company is rightly proud of
its Olympic experience and the service delivered – just don’t ask us to help out at Heathrow next ...
 The Company
were also pleased to welcome members
of the Regimental family to Olympic Park, including the Colonel of the Regiment,
Major General
Sharpe. However,
the most important visit the Company received came from Pte Derek Derenalagi,
The troops were also able to put their keen eyes, more accustomed to spotting ground signs in Helmand, to good use in picking celebrities out of the busy crowd.
accustomed to spotting ground signs in Helmand, to good use in picking celebrities out of the busy
crowd. Many famous personalities, particularly from the sporting
and entertainment environment, can now count themselves lucky to have had their photo taken with members

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