Page 19 - Jigsaw June 2021
P. 19

                                 QUESTION & ANSWER
           Market has been introduced too, which has impacted our footfall and helped to get us on the map as a High Street in the area too.
What did you do during the lockdowns?
I completely remodelled and redecorated the shop and spent a lot of time researching new brands. I made sure that the time counted for something positive.
Any funny stories? I met this scruffy, drunk guy in a bar on the aptly named Charlotte Road in North London once. He told me he loved me as soon as he set eyes on me, and pestered me
all evening as I tried to ignore him. When I was leaving he said ‘but I haven’t had chance to make an impression yet’. ‘Oh you have, don’t worry’, was my answer. I went off to enjoy my Brick Lane curry with my colleagues, and thought nothing more of him until he tracked me down at the PR agency I was working at the following Monday morning (he sneakily pretended to
be a press contact of mine). He won me round over email and long phone calls, and we’ve been together ever since – 21 years and counting!
Who makes you laugh? Terry Wogan, I miss his breakfast show. I have to say my husband does too, or I’ll get in trouble!
Hobnob or Jaffa Cake? Hobnob (with chocolate or I’ll pass!)
Who’s at home? My architect hubby Joe, teenage daughter Lucy and dog Annie.
Dine at home or meal out? Meal out – a really decent burger and thick chips followed by a big dessert.
A tipple to go with it... Pre dinner Pimm’s.
Who inspires you? Kind people; anyone who drives me to be the best version of myself.
You have a free plane ticket, where do you go? New Zealand... loved it when I backpacked aged 21 and would love to visit again.

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