Page 16 - Oundle Life November 2021
P. 16

                 100 YEARS OLD
Oundle Royal British Legion
The British Legion was formed in 1921, and received its ‘Royal’ title in 1971. Oundle’s branch of The Royal British Legion became recognised as an official branch in November 1921. Oundle is just one branch of hundreds across the world, but is only one of a handful that has reached the milestone of being 100 years old and still running as a branch. The branch was due to be celebrating its centenary this year. Unfortunately, due to covid celebrations have had to be postponed. The branch looks forward to celebrating with local events next year.
The Royal British Legion is best known for its work to support ex-servicemen and their families, with, most famously, its Poppy Appeal. The common perception is that the branch only comes out one day a year – for Remembrance Day – but this is not the case.
As a branch it does much more than attending the Remembrance Day Parade at Oundle War Memorial. Its work continues even in the absence of conflict, in order to maintain support for ex-service personnel and their families
who are facing difficulties in their day-to-day lives, providing financial, social and emotional support. Money raised is administered to those in need locally, providing essential white/brown goods, mobility aids and care packages.
Oundle’s Royal British Legion group meet on the first Monday evening of every month and holds a monthly breakfast or lunch informal get together. Membership of the Oundle branch is just over 40. The branch is always looking for new members, details can be found at the end of the article. A typical meeting is spent planning upcoming events, working on publicity for the cause and looking after the welfare of members of ex-service personnel and their families.
Anyone interested in becoming part of Oundle Royal British Legion or joining for a breakfast or lunch and making a difference in the lives of ex-servicemen and their families, can email Oundle.Memsecretary@rbl. community for further information.
Oundle Royal British Legion members look forward to joining the other organisations
at the Remembrance Parade on Sunday 14th November 2021 starting at 2.30pm. If anybody requires a wreath to lay at the service the easiest and only way to order this year is to phone 03458 451945 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
01832 273220
10 en-suite bedrooms in converted farm buildings in Barnwell
BARNWELL near Oundle

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