Page 36 - 2020 AMA Summer
P. 36
CYPRUS So let’s be plain about one thing. Cyprus isn’t really in itself a climbing destination. You probably wouldn’t go there for a climbing holiday. But if you find yourself there for another reason; a UN tour maybe, or on a posting, visiting for a project or on AT, then it has more than enough to make it worthwhile packing a rope, rack and some shoes. You can easily run a RSF there, in fact a really good RSF, and it fits well with mountain biking, sea kayaking and hill walking [despite the appalling maps...!]. And it also has possibly one of the best single-pitch sports crags in the Mediter-
Duncan Francis
Geologically, Cyprus is apparently very interesting; [who knew?] one of the only places on Earth where the mantle has emerged through the crust for example, and it has an undisturbed ophiolite sequence, whatever that is! It seems that geologists come from all over the world to have a look around. However, as far as climbing goes, the island is mostly a big pile of tottering choss. As you drive around, you start to despair that you will find anything worthwhile to climb on; the chalky, unconsolidated limestone seems endless. However, dotted across the island there are a few small areas of really sound rock, forming excellent crags which are well worth seeking out. There