Page 44 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2022/23
P. 44

                                      Asters germinating
Chrysanths and pansies. Pansies are really perennials but I grow them as annuals.
Sweet peas can also be sown now
and they can be sown direct where they are to grow. They will need some kind of structure for them to climb up, either canes or trellis so put these in first. I prefer to sow mine in small pots (drinking cups) in the greenhouse, one seed per pot. They do not need any extra heat to germinate so just leave them on the staging or on a shelf.
If you buy fruit trees or bushes from a garden centre, they will be in pots and these can be planted any time. Bare root plants, though, can only be planted in the dormant season so this is the last month for doing so. Also, if you want to transplant any trees or shrubs you will need to do it this month.
Rhubarb and garlic can still be planted as I have described before, and onion sets can now be planted. They can be ordered from seed companies, but they are also
in garden centres. Plant them 6 inches
(15 cm.) apart with the tops just level with the soil surface. They can also be planted in pots in the greenhouse and planted
out later. This means they are ready for cropping earlier and this is the way I grow them.
Jerusalem artichokes can be planted now. Plant them 15 inches (37cm.) apart and 6 inches (15 cm.) deep. They grow
Winter onions for harvesting
tall (2 metre+) so will need staking as
they grow. Asparagus crowns can also be planted. You can order them from most seed companies. Dig out a trench 8 inches (20 cm.) deep with a mound in the centre. Spread the roots over the mound about 15 inches (37 cm.) apart then replace the soil.
I don’t plant my potatoes till April, but you can start planting earlies now if you want an early crop. Rake some general fertiliser into the ground then make trenches 6 inches (15 cm.) deep and 18 inches (45 cm.) apart and plant your potatoes 12 inches (30 cm.) apart. I put a layer of lawn mowing’s in the trenches which helps to prevent scab disease, but they may not be available if you plant them so early.
So much for sowing and planting so what else should we be doing? If you planted shallots in small pots in December or January, the roots will probably have filled the pots, so they need potting on into larger pots using any brand of potting compost.
If you sowed onions earlier, they may be
Chrysanth cuttings coming
Shallots growing well
ready for pricking out. This means carefully transferring them to other trays, spacing them out 2 inches (5 cm.) apart or planting them into small pots.
If you started your chrysanth stools
or dahlia tubers into growth in January,
the growth may be large enough to take cuttings. Cuttings of both Chrysanths and dahlias should be about 2 to 3 inches ( 5cm. to 7.5 cm.) long , cut below a leaf node. Remove the bottom leaves, dip the ends in hormone rooting powder and plant them about 2 inches (5 cm.) apart in trays of multipurpose compost or round the edges of pots. You need to give extra warmth to assist rooting, either in a propagator or on
a warming bench, or failing that, on the kitchen windowsill. If you cannot give them extra warmth you would be better leaving them till next month when it is a bit warmer.
Bush roses can be pruned any time in the dormant season so if you have not done them, do so this month. Cut out any dead branches and cut back the other branches by half to an outward pointing bud.
    44 Simply Vegetables
Sprouting broccoli growing well

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