Page 46 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2022/23
P. 46
Scottish Branch
2022 – Larbert
Once again, with covid affecting our originally planned venue at Haddington, the Scottish Branch’s PLAN B smoothly swept into action which was to hold our Branch Championships at Larbert Old Parish Church Halls again. The team
set up in a record time on the Friday evening and clear up after Saturday’s show was even quicker. In between was one of the best shows with great quality and quantity of vegetables exhibited in a relaxed, fun, and friendly atmosphere enjoyed by all who visited. Our newer class for the 3 veg collection for those exhibitors who had not yet won a red ticket was won by Bill Duff and the class for a collection of vegetables 15 points and under, was won by Jim Williams.
We also had a 1st whereby all our classes which have a trophy were won by veg genius Alistair Gray. To our knowledge, this have never been done before, well done Alistair!
Alistair won the big Collection, Large Exhibition Onions and Long Leeks, narrowly pipping Niall Currie into 2nd place, plus he won the Mini Collection, White Potatoes and Celery pipping Jim Williams into 2nd place for those classes. Alistair’s celery was awarded best in Show.
The day was happy with everyone enjoying tea and cakes and having a good old chat. The day was intermingled with so many emotions from us proudly viewing the Onions staged by Gareth Cameron in honour of our late friend Ronnie Jackson to celebrating our Chair, Ian Stocks enjoying the show with some excellent exhibits plus congratulating Alistair and Mary Gray’s wedding anniversary and thanking Frank Taylor for finally getting to step down as our Show Manager (I recall Ian’s quip that Frank had had more come backs than
Branch Champs general view
Frank Sinatra! and he thanked Ian McPhee for having taken on this role.
Well done to all our exhibitors for producing such high quality veg in what was a difficult year, you all really helped make the show and a big thankyou to
our judges (again some of whom were also exhibitors, for having done a great job. You can view photos of the Scottish Branch Championships via the NVS web site, within the library section. For all those planning for 2023, we are looking to be at Haddington on Saturday 2nd September.
3 Veg novice Collection – 1st Bill Duff
Alistair Gray with his Winning collection
Celery – 1st Alistair Gray – Evening Star Best Exhibit
46 Simply Vegetables
Gareth, Billy, Ian and John with Ronnie’s Onions
Veg collection 15 points and under – 1st Jim Williams