Page 45 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2022/23
P. 45
Scottish Branch
MEMBERS 30000 TO 39999
Chairs Report
Firstly, can I wish everyone a happy new year and hope that 2023 is a good year for you all. 2022 was a weird year both personally and for the NVS. As a lot of you know I was diagnosed with cancer in January. I just want to thank everyone who supported me through the year which allowed me to attend the shows in September. I even managed to grow some stuff due to the hard work of my friends John Currie, Ian, Sean and Joe Turner and especially Linda. Thanks guys and I even managed a few wins but more importantly met loads of my friends.
2022 seemed to be the year
the Branch got back to some normality with the Scottish Garden Show, Garden visit and Branch Championships all going ahead.
As I was out of commission most of the year the Branch was kept on its normal course by the Vice Chair Frank Taylor. A big thank you Frank.
Unfortunately, I felt that I had to step down as national vice chair at the AGM to allow someone else to contribute more than I could. I’m delighted to say that Raymond Higgins was elected to the position and will be a huge asset to the NVS. It has been a privilege to be Vice Chair and wish the Trustees all the best for the future.
Fiona will have an article
on awards, but I want to offer congratulations on 3 gold medals being awarded to Fiona Shenfield, Gareth Cameron and myself. Well done guys.
Also, by the time you read this we will have had our Annual Seminar which is always the highlight of the year. The last one was in 2019 which seems an eternity away so this one was eagerly anticipated by all.
So again, have a great year in 2023.
We witnessed a very proud moment at the National’s award ceremony, when our three Scottish Branch members, Gareth Cameron F.N.V.S., Fiona Shenfield F.N.V.S. and Ian Stocks F.N.V.S. were each presented with a gold medal for their services to the NVS. Well done and well deserved for your years of hard work,
what a team!
Dundee & East of Scotland DA
The DAs Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 16th February
in Old Craigie Road Allotment Hall at 7.15pm.
For your advance information, Les Craib has advised that he intends to stand down as both Chair and Treasurer at this AGM.
Currently there are no further meetings planned at time of writing this article.
Looking forward, at the time of writing there is currently still no news about the Dundee Flower Show for 2023.
If you live near Dundee or in the East of Scotland, please consider putting yourself forward to ensure the DA can keep functioning. It is important that members can meet up for talks and general socialising. – Ed
Scottish Branch – 200 Club
All Scottish Branch members will have found a 200-club entry form flier in with this copy of the Winter magazine. For anyone attending the Scottish Branch Seminar, you can hand in your form for 2023 to Gareth Cameron on the day.
For 2022 the prize draw ran from the end of March to the end of December. The prize draw is taken at the end of each month, so make sure you send in your forms ready for 2023 or print an extra form or two from the web site within the “Resources” section, the more the merrier.
Below are the last few 2022 draw results at time of going to print.
First Prize (£25)
Second Prize (£13)
March George Bartling May Ian Craib
July Ian Archibald Sep Ian Archibald
Grace Pearson Les Craib Linda Stocks Jennet Cook
Frank Taylor
J. Wilson
Judith Watson
Joe Proudlock
Adrian Read
David Dolman
Dennis Healey
Norman McLean
You do not have to be a Scottish Branch member (or even an NVS member) to join, so please encourage friends and family too.
If anyone requires an extra copy of the 200-club form, you can now find a PDF copy in the “Resources” section of the NVS web site to enable you to print one out. Alternatively, please contact Gareth Cameron. 2 Dyke Nook, Yeathouse Road, Frizington, Cumbria CA26 3QL, Telephone: 07935 117 397 or email:
Prize money is dependent on how many 200 Club members we have with half the revenue generated going towards the Scottish Branch funds and half going towards the 200-club prize money.
Thanks again for your support, it really makes a difference.
Simply Vegetables 45