Page 56 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2022/23
P. 56

                                Midland Branch
  Request for
Midland Branch
For some time, the Midland Branch committee has been reducing
in size owing to resignations which has resulted in many of the continuing committee members having to help out by doing more than one position.
This a request for any NVS member living within the Midland Branch’s vast area who would like to help out to please contact myself and I will explain what committee members do in terms of helping organising the branches activities. Currently there are vacancies for a chairperson who would run
the committee meetings and give a quarterly report to Simply Vegetables.
    Sandra Hall and Rob Holmes with Silver Medal
 Manning the stand
Malvern Autumn Show
The Harvest Pavilion not only housed the two Shows, The Malvern Show ‘Grow to Show’ and The NVS National Championships, but all round the outside walls was the National Specialist Plant Society Section where Societies are asked to do a promotional stand relating to their specialty with 50% given over to a good plant quality display and the other 50% an educational area and prize money is awarded
It took all day Thursday and throughout the night, until judging on the Friday morning to complete the display of vegetables generously donated by the exhibitors after they had benched their exhibits.
A big thank you must go to all those who had an input in putting the display together no matter how large or small it was much appreciated, especially when we were awarded a ‘Silver Card’ It is a massive achievement to gain a silver at the Autumn Show!!
With now being a three day show more volunteers to man the stand were required; our regular stalwarts were at hand along with several new faces, which is always good to see, thank you.
There were two guys, Rob Holmes and Neil Page especially who really enjoyed themselves giving and sharing their veg growing knowledge with the public and seeing who could sell the most NVS publications and attract the most new members. Thank you and well done!!
The Midlands Branch gained a few new members, welcome! On the whole a great three days was had by all.
West Midland DA Report
In my position as acting chairman we were given a very interesting lecture by Peter Chamberlain a new committee member on the topic of growing Dahlias at our August meeting, about which I am sure many of our members present found of great interest.
Peter grows around 4500 cuttings of dahlias every year, selecting only the best for growing on in future years. We also attended the Worcester annual flower show held on Worcester racecourse. Our small stand attracted a limited amount on interest, and we met several new potential members and discussed different methods of growing vegetables.
Our next meeting which will have been held will have had a very interesting lecture on how members can save money by using household items as both pesticides and fertilisers given by Darren Rudge a well-known radio presenter and gardening expert who always gives people a laugh along the way.
Non-members are always welcomed to our meetings along with members of local allotments, also anyone who is an NVS member in the West Midlands area. Refreshments are always provided free of charge to all who attend.
Graham Brickstock FNVS
 Simply Vegetables Binder
Store your magazines away. Each binder holds
12 magazines.
(3 years worth)
£5.00 + £2.95 P&P
To purchase contact: Sandra Hall FNVS, Midlands Branch, on
01952 541396 or email:
56 Simply Vegetables
MEMBERS 10000 TO 19999

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