Page 57 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2022/23
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Shrewsbury Flower Show
With the hot, dry summer continuing our next stop on the busy Show season was Shrewsbury Flower Show, a two day show in the heart of the town within the setting of the Quarry, Shrewsbury’s beautiful, 29-acre parkland, encircled by the majestic loop of the River Severn.
The Midlands Branch Team arrived Thursday teatime and started to put up the display. Over the next few hours, it began to take shape, with veg kindly donated by our exhibitors coming in thick and fast.
The Friday morning, I met up with
a friend and had breakfast whilst the judging was going ahead and even got time in to go around the stalls before the show opened to the public to note where I wanted to return later. You would think after a three-year absence it would be bigger and better show, but there appeared very few of the regular company’s and Society’s there.
During the morning the judges came round and spoke to the National Vegetable Society about our stand and how it got put together, from where the veg came from to who created it.
In the afternoon I was handed a card,
when I turned it over to my disbelief and delight, we had awarded a second Prize, the first time we had picked up a card at Shrewsbury for a very long time.
Over the two days it was so good
to meet up with fellow members and people we haven’t seen for so long plus gain some new members and increase branch funds with plant sales which confirmed that having an NVS presence at events like this is fundamental.
I want to thank all those who helped in any way from constructing the stand, donating veg to giving up their time to man the stand, thank you.
Some members of the NVS had also been invited to give talks/demos, along with the other plant societies in a small theatre in the marquee, the first time this idea had been launched at Shrewsbury. Although the take-up of audience was lower than hoped on occasions, the idea is good and I’m sure it will make strides and grow going forward. Well done to our members who gave up their time to be a part of this.
Sandra Hall
MEMBERS 50000 TO 59999
Hyde Hall display stand
Matt Oliver talk
Southern Branch
Essex DA
Following the success of our Mini
Show in July, the Essex DA (plus
a visiting member from the Welsh Branch – thanks for your help, Rob!) supported an information stand at the RHS Flavours of Autumn event at Hyde Hall at the end of September, which incorporated the RHS’ Autumn Fruit and Vegetable competition. We met lots of keen gardeners over the course of the weekend and answered lots of questions on growing and exhibiting vegetables.
Matt Oliver, formerly the head gardener at the vegetable garden at Hyde Hall (now Head Gardener at Ulting Wick, another local garden) came to speak to us on “Growing Giant Pumpkins” in mid-October. Matt gave a very engaging talk and
talked us through his pumpkin growing escapades over the past few years.
I don’t think any of us realised beforehand some of the lengths that giant
pumpkin growers go to with their crops – including fan heaters in the early stages and an electric fan for when it gets too
hot – as well as everything in between. One thing we certainly learnt is that a lot of these pumpkins are treated better than us humans most of the time! Thanks again to Matt for coming and giving us such a great talk.
As you will be reading this once we’re in 2023, we hope you all had a restful festive period and a Happy New Year! If not already with you, our Essex DA programme
of events should be landing very soon, and we look forward to seeing you all during the course of this year!
As I’ve said in the last couple of SV magazines, we still currently have a vacant Secretary position on our Essex DA committee. If anyone is interested in taking up this role, please get in touch.
For further information on Essex DA events, please contact Emily Plumb on or Sherie Plumb on 01621 741787.
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