Page 59 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2022/23
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Ellie’s award winning pumpkins
other shows had experienced a fall in exhibits, we had lower expectations. We needn’t have. We had more exhibitors attending than last year and were thrilled that the first four exhibitors through the door were new to the show. We try to spread the word, and our exhibitors kindly encourage others to come, but it is such a joy when new exhibitors participate.
The quality of exhibits was very good; we had the most shallot and tomato entries that we have ever had and the flower entries were stunning. It shows that whatever the weather, something will prosper.
We also try to encourage young growers. Nigel gave a pumpkin plant to a little girl two years ago and she entered her largest pumpkin in the 2021 show. This year, Ellie grew her pumpkins from saved seed. This is especially rewarding as her mum had
no interest in gardening several years ago; now not only has mum caught the bug, but her daughter has too. We don’t have a class for pumpkins but give a special award to Ellie to keep her engaged. The smile on her face says it all.
We are always so grateful to everyone who contributes to our show. Our exhibitors, the judges and stewards, those who set up and clear away, everyone who helps out in any way, those who donate cakes and raffle prizes and those who buy refreshments and raffle tickets to help boost our funds. We cannot run the show without you all. Many thanks indeed.
Congratulations to all those who won awards.
After the show, our next event was the first talk of the season in October by Paolo Arrigo from Franchi Seeds, talking on “Italy from seed to plate.” Paolo talked about seeds in general, giving us some intriguing history and reassured us that various regions of Italy have the ideal conditions for producing seeds well suited to the British climate. He gave suggestions on which seeds we could sow at that present time and as a lover of mangetout, I could not
Stiff competition in small fruited tomatoes
resist a variety for Autumn sowing, “Pisello Rampicante, Gigante Svizzero” which Google translates as “Climbing Pea, Giant Swiss”. At the time of writing, my seedlings are about two leaves high and looking good. I am not 100% certain what to do but have decided to treat them like sweet peas; overwinter them in a cold frame and plant them out in the spring. Apart from anything else, they will give me something to nurture while longing for the next growing season. Romsey Abbey Harvest Festival – Barbara and Nigel Gould from Hants DA put on
a fantastic Harvest Festival display in Romsey Abbey at the end of October. They would like to thank all the NVS growers who contributed produce to go into the wonderful array of vegetables for the Abbey’s Harvest Festival service.
We will have Mark Hall’s talk on Growing for the Millennium Class in November. Even our members who have no illusions of showing at National level, will hopefully learn how to grow better potatoes, stump rooted carrots, globe beetroot, tomatoes, and onions 250g or under. It should be a great talk. More on that and our December AGM in the next report.
We look forward to seeing you at our future meetings.
Venue: Sherfield English Village Hall, Salisbury Road, Sherfield English, Romsey SO51 6FL
Alison Clarke, Hants DA secretary
Ian’s Best Dahlia in Show
14 Feb 14 Mar
11 April
13 May 13 June 2 July 25-27 Jul
10 Sep 10 Oct 14 Nov 12 Dec
“Potatoes” Alan Wilson
“The Gilberts Dahlia Year”
Nick Gilbert
“Development of Brassicas” Chris Bird
Plant Sale
“Autopots” Jason Ralph-Smith Open Garden – SO20 8BU Southern Branch Championships and New Forest Show
Hants DA Annual Show
Malvin Ward Malvin Ward
Clarence Thomas Debs Needham Andy Savage
Tim Hooper Plaque NVS Silver Medal
Special Prize Special Prize NDS Bronze
Best dish by Hants D.A member Best dish of vegetables
Most points - fruit
Most points – novice Reserve best vase of Dahlias
NVS Plaque
Winner of the 20-point vegetable collection
Clarence Thomas
Special Prize
Most points - vegetables
Clarence Thomas John Gilbert
Special Prize
Most points - flowers
Andy Savage
NDS Silver
Best vase of Dahlias in Show
Ian Clemens
Simply Vegetables 59