Page 61 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2022/23
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                                  Obituary – Geoff Prior FNVS
It is with great sadness and regret that I inform you of the death of Geoff Prior FNVS who passed away in August 2022. Geoff joined the NVS in 1979 and was one of the founder members of the Kent DA which was formed in 1986. He was a very active committee member, most recently holding the position of Vice Chairman. Geoff, together with his wife Judi, arranged the DA’s yearly programme of events and meetings. He was also a major contributor to the DA’s exhibition stands at various shows.
Geoff, very quickly after joining the Society, qualified as a NVS judge in 1982. In 2009, in recognition of his many contributions to the NVS, Geoff was awarded a NVS Fellowship for which
he was extremely proud. He was a
very well respected, and sought-after judge, equally at home judging village, county, Southern Branch and National Shows with great expertise and integrity. He was well known on the judging circuit and was a regular judge at Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies shows and was on the Edenbridge
and Oxted Agricultural Show judging team for many years. Geoff has been described as the smiling face of the NVS. He was always very welcoming towards all who visited Kent DA events and newcomers were especially encouraged. Geoff was a great ambassador of the NVS.
Geoff was a skilful gardener and loved growing and exhibiting vegetables. Although vegetables were his primary interest, Geoff also had a liking for daffodils and had some success on
the show bench at local shows. He was most keen to share his love
and knowledge of growing and was enormously helpful and encouraging to others. Geoff helped so many, giving advice freely on numerous topics such as growing, exhibiting, judging and schedule making.
On a personal note, I’d like to thank and pay tribute to Geoff for being such a good friend who taught me so much over many years and gave me the inspiration and encouragement to become a judge myself.
Geoff will be greatly missed and
always remembered by his friends and colleagues at the Kent DA and Southern Branch. Our sincere condolences go to his wife, Judi, and family.
Chris Passey FNVS
   Surrey DA
The Surrey DA have enjoyed the last meetings of 2022 and are looking forward to a full programme of speakers and visits in 2023.
The DA attended the Flavours of Autumn event organised by the RHS and held
at Wisley Gardens 12th to 16th October,
we were very grateful that there was rain only on the Saturday afternoon and the event attracted over 26,000 visitors to the garden. We put on a display of assorted vegetables and answered many questions, this enabled us to increase membership to the NVS with a number of new members signing up. We raised valuable funds for the DA and Daphne’s cakes were again extremely popular, selling out by midday on a number of occasions, my thanks to all who helped over the event.
We were very pleased that Daphne Hope was presented her well-earned Silver Medal by Medwyn Williams at the AGM held at the National Championships which was hosted by the Midlands Branch at the Malvern Show, an excellent show where Neil Hope was one of the appointed judges.
Our programme for 2023 is complete and is as below, numbers at our meetings have not recovered to pre covid figures and
Keiths winning Coleus
we hope to see more members at the 2023 meetings.
All meetings held at East Horsley Village Hall, Kingston Avenue, Leatherhead, Surrey KT24 6QT.
We start with our AGM on Saturday 11th February 2023 - AGM - 10am-12am. ALL monthly meetings start at 8pm.
Wednesday 8th March. Ray Broughton will be giving us a talk about Companion Planting.
Wednesday 12th April. Horticulturalist, Barnaby Miller will be giving a talk titled. The Vegetable Garden in Spring.
Wednesday 10th May. Matt Oliver will be giving us a talk on Unusual Edibles.
Wednesday 7th June. External Visit. Visit
Display at Wisley
to Tozer Seeds. 1.30pm. More details will follow.
Wednesday 13th September 2023, Stuart Mills will be giving us a talk on Alternatives to Peat Compost.
Wednesday 11th October 2023, Janet and Brian Arm. Grow It, Show It and Eat It.
Wednesday 8th November. Vegetable Breeder, Jamie Claxton will be giving us a talk on Plant Breeding Innovation.
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