Page 62 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2022/23
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                                Sussex DA Report
The Sussex DA held their Mini-Show
on Wednesday, 14th September at
the Ashurst Village Hall. There was a reasonable turnout, and the quality of the exhibits was very good. Thanks go
to Richard Hilson F.N.V.S. for judging the Show and for explaining to some why their exhibits did not fare well. Thanks go to all DA members who entered and to those who just attended together
with their partners. Congratulations to Gordon Cooper for Best in Show with his plate of five white potatoes and to Kevin Duncton for gaining most points.
The Sussex DA were once again
pleased to organise on behalf of SEAS the Horticultural Competition at the South of England Autumn Show and International Horse Trials 2022 held on 24th and 25th September 2022. Unfortunately, this did clash with the NVS Nationals at Malvern
so some of our regular exhibitors were unable to attend, not being able to be in two places at the same time! The weather was much kinder to us this year and we had a good footfall through the exhibition with lots of questions from the public. The NVS promotional stand also attracted great interest with also the potential for a couple of new members. NVS Getting Started books and leaflets were sold together with some cactus/chilli’s plants and apples. Thanks go to Gordon Cooper, Brian Jeffries, and Paul Dalby for setting up and preparing the entries for judging and to Dilly Cooper and Pat Jeffries for stewarding over both days. Special thanks go to Richard Hilson
who agreed to judge the event. Whilst the entries were down this year, as mentioned earlier, the quality of the exhibits was excellent. Barry Newman won most points for his exhibits and also won the cup for the Best in Show with his superb trug of mixed vegetables. Congratulations go to Barry and to all those who took the time and effort to stage their exhibits. Well done all.
We will be holding the Sussex DA AGM at the Ashurst Village Hall on Wednesday, 8th February 2023. There are still some vacant roles that require to be filled so
if any member wishes to be nominated
for either Secretary or Vice-Chair or as a Committee Member can you please email me (details on the website) with your nomination. We look forward to meeting with as many members as possible at the AGM and details of our speaker will be announced later.
We look forward to a full and varied programme of events for 2023 and wish you all a successful 2023 growing year.
Norman Dickinson Sussex DA Chairman
   Sussex Mini-Show 2022 – Results
 Onions - Three, large exhibition
 Roy Spooner
 Brian Jeffries
 Not Awarded
 2 Onions - Three, each to be 250 grams or Roy Spooner Brian Jeffries Gordon Cooper under
  Tomatoes - Five medium
  Kevin Duncton
  C&C Gibson
  Gordon Cooper
 4 Tomatoes - Five cherry Brian Jeffries Paul Dalby C&C Gibson
  Potatoes - Five, white
  Gordon Cooper
  Paul Dalby
  C&C Gibson
 6 Potatoes - Five, coloured Gordon Cooper Kevin Duncton Brian Jeffries
  Carrots - Three, stump rooted
  Kevin Duncton
  Jim Turnbull
  Gordon Cooper
 8 Shallots - Six, large exhibition Roy Spooner Gordon Cooper Not Awarded
  Sweet Peppers - Three
  C&C Gibson
  Brian Jeffries
  Not Awarded
 10 Runner Beans - Six Jim Turnbull Kevin Duncton Roy Spooner
  Any Other Veg not listed above
  Kevin Duncton
  C&C Gibson
  Roy Spooner
 12 Salad Class. A collection of salads Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded
  A vase of culinary herbs
  Kevin Duncton
  C&C Gibson
  Paul Dalby
 14 A dish of fruit Gordon Cooper Not Awarded Not Awarded
  5 stems of annual flower, one kind
  Paul Dalby
  C&C Gibson
  Not Awarded
 16 5 stems of perennial flower, one kind Paul Dalby C&C Gibson Not Awarded
   Best In Show
  Gordon Cooper for Class 5
 Most Points Kevin Dunction - 42 Points
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