Page 16 - MERCIAN Eagle 2018
P. 16

 Pl Comd
Pl Sgt WR Sgt
Lt Hunt/Lt O’Malley- Pearson
Sgt Tomlinson
Sgt Ryder/Sgt Thomas
                                5 Platoon – Lt O’Malley-Pearson
It has been an outstanding year for the men of 5 Platoon. We started the year with the delivery of an innovative set of training and experimentation for 1 Brigade – the URBAN DAWN series. This was an opportunity to showcase our skills as the urban lead for the Brigade. The highlight of this period was URBAN DAWN 2, where we attacked a heavily defended street in various configurations. This enabled us to make use of unusual assets such as dogs with camera mounts, throw-bot drones, which you could literally throw through windows
and stand-off ISTAR from Wildcats and other drones.
The major task for the Company and the Platoon was Ex SAIF SAREEA 3 in Oman, the biggest exercise of its kind in over 15 years and Defence Engagement’s main effort of 2018. This is where our focus would lie, until we returned to the UK in November. SAIF SAREEA was an extraordinary success for the Platoon. We achieved 100% availability of all platforms and all soldiers through dust and extreme heat due to the diligence and hard work
  Briefing the men before the next mission / Oman / Oct 18
Blueys to loved ones... / Oman / Sep 18
of our team. The platoon’s consistent performance resulted in us being one of the lead platoons on every major attack. This included some very high profile displays in front of foreign dignitaries and the Omani CGS.
All in all, a strong year! We are now gearing up to return to Oman in early 2019 for Ex KHANJAR EDGE with the Royal Tank Regiment Battlegroup before returning to the battalion and taking on the challenges set for us.
 Demonstrating armoured infantry excellence to HRH The Prince of Wales / SPTA / Feb 18

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