Page 4 - RADC Bulletin 2019
P. 4
Colonel T J Davies QHDS Chief Dental Officer (Army)
I do not believe there has been a time
in my 30 year career when, in general
day to day business, as a Corps and
as individuals within it, we have been busier; from those working primarily within Defence Primary Healthcare (DPHC) (the majority) to those working within other 1 Star led organisations, whether they be under a Joint umbrella or Army. The facts are, that if personnel are not working at the top of their game, they will not be seen as delivering what is required; the good news is that our personnel are.
As a Corps our personnel are achieving
all around in Defence, from our most junior soldiers to our senior officers. Having had one of our Officer Cadets attending the
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst awarded the Sword of Honour last year we have
just had Pte Fox achieve Best Recruit at
ATR Winchester. Personnel working within DPHC continue to impress other areas of that organisation due to how we achieve
our aims despite various difficulties thrown
in our way at usually the most inconvenient times. The recent Defence Healthcare Delivery Optimisation Study will lead to changes at some point but many of those changes required by DPHC overall have already been achieved in the Dental Pillar, and we have nothing to fear in the near
future due to what you and our other sS and civilian colleagues achieve together already.
I think we accomplish what we do because our Regular selection processes are also more professional than ever, and our junior personnel are mentored and provided with real responsibility early in their careers such that the primary lesson of achieving the aim is not forgotten - although there must be some caution as we do not wish to over burden personnel. As our Senior NCOs develop and move on in their careers, they have been espied by other Corps as having in their possession the wherewithal that makes them excellent leaders and colleagues.
RADC personnel continue to support their chains of command and each other in order to achieve the aims of Commander DPHC, and those Dental Teams working in the Field Army have increasingly become integrated in terms of providing the exchange of information required such that no one needs to be completely in the dark as they arrive at such an assignment. Ex Bellowing Dragon is considered an on-going successful event and one that embodies the essential spirit
of this passage of information and working together. We also have for the first time, in several years, an officer starting at Medical School on a pathway to be a maxillo-facial consultant.
The Command and Staff Cadre are being 2 RADC BULLETIN 2019
equally successful in their careers and we are about to have two RADC officers in Command of two Medical Regiments (16 and 3 Medical Regiments), and obviously we have Colonel Catherine Richardson as AMS Corps Colonel.
Anybody who attended the Corps Event (formerly Corps Weekend) over the past
3 years will have noted a difference; times change and with them requirements, but
all those who have attended recently have enjoyed the format and the time spent. I have attempted to bring a general military education piece to the period but also
to provide as much time as possible for
our personnel to interact with each other because, being so spread out in our daily working lives now, the times when we are together must be utilised to good effect. I don’t think anybody didn’t enjoy the starting event of the Tug of War which not only had teams of a range of ranks and sizes working together but even got those involved
who were unable to take part for medical reasons because the shouting in support was excellent. There will be many readers
of this Bulletin who will remember past Tug of War glories for the RADC and the aim this year was to advertise involvement in the AMS Athletics Championship which is one of the few events we can still participate in as a Corps (taking place in 2020 on the 3 and 4 June at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst). The overall 4th place for our Female Team in 2019 was inspirational and with a few more volunteers it is hoped to improve both the Female and Men’s Team final standings next time.
Although busy, there are still opportunities to get away from “the office”, and for individuals and units to go Adventure Training, Skiing and other activities (as this journal consistently bears witness too). I would like to emphasize the fact that these opportunities are generally open to everyone and as the old adage goes “if you don’t ask, you don’t get!”. If you really want to attend such openings but are unsuccessful one year, please keep asking.
Both the fall out from SDSR 15 and the transformation to Army 2020 continues.
On the recent Commission Conversion Boards there were few to Intermediate Regular Commission (IRC) and even fewer to Regular Commission (Reg C); this is especially disappointing for those majors who are pushing for a Reg C. The fact that DM(A) have allowed one more conversion
to IRC this year compared to the previous
2 years is hopefully a positive sign for the future but I cannot see any significant change occurring until at least 2024. However, on a more positive note it looks as
we do actually have a gain in numbers due to the acceptance of the Army to appreciate that the RADC manning of the remaining Dental Centre in Germany, at Sennelager,
is technically for new jobs so we will be having an RADC increase of 3 personnel
for its workforce - not large numbers but
an actual increase in positions in what has been a decreasing force - and what should be seen as maintaining opportunities to develop our personnel and to work abroad. Along with this it can be stated that we are being more professional than ever in what we deliver with a high percentage of both Dental Officers and DCPs gaining further professional qualifications, which only benefits our Populations at Risk. Of course, many of these qualifications have been self- funded due to individuals seeing the need
to secure their futures due to the transition to Army 2020. This, along with the fact that many in the Clinical Cadre now appreciate that along with their clinical commitments some form of staff training and experience is also necessary in order to compete for future promotion and jobs at the OF4 level and above, is producing officers of a capability to contend with any of our DMS colleagues.
I would like to bring to your notice that Major Rene Cheema, who as Bulletin Editor has been responsible for bringing our Journal together and getting it produced over the last few years, is moving on from this role. He has done a superb professional job and has maintained his patience in many a trying circumstance while awaiting individuals to send promised articles. I know he will be on hand initially to mentor our next Editor, Maj Serena Darke, and I would like to thank him for all his hard work in this interesting but busy and time consuming “secondary duty”.
Finally I would like to reiterate what a
fine job you are all doing; whether it is in
the Regulars or the Reserves, the “can do” attitude of our personnel shines through and I compel you all to make the most of
as many of the opportunities provided (or sought out by yourselves) as possible. Keep working at the excellent standard that you already accomplish and be proud of what you as RADC personnel achieve.
Ex Dentibus Ensis