Page 6 - RADC Bulletin 2019
P. 6
Wattbike Ride Challenge Brunei
Cpl Madan Limbu RADC
The PCMF & Dental Centre Seria, Brunei, organised a Charity Event ‘WattBike Ride Challenge 2018’ led by the Dental Practice Manager on Wednesday 21 Nov 18 in support for Mouth Cancer Action Month 2018. The main aim of the event was to raise awareness about Mouth Cancer, and to raise funds for the Oral Health Foundation UK which promotes and delivers oral health education in and outside of the UK. The challenge was
to cycle the combined ascending and descending distance of 30 highest peaks in the world, an approximate distance of 500km.
The event was open for all and information was widely distributed to all the British
Forces Brunei Community via emails, posters and BFBS Radio. Everyone was requested to attend the event to view the oral health displays, cheer, donate, and volunteer to ride the bikes and support the PCMF Team. The venue was set up with
a tent (12x12), 5 x WattBikes, PowerPoint presentation, music, and the Oral Health Displays. Once the venue was set up the event started at 1230hrs with a photo
shoot of the PCMF Team wearing Mouth Cancer Awareness T-shirts. The main cycling event started at 1300hrs with the PCMF & Dental HODs ride including the SMO, SDO, RMO, 2IC and GPM. The event was largely attended and enjoyed by BFB personnel. Refreshments including tea, coffee, juice
and sandwiches were made available
at the venue for all the attendees. The
event finished at around 1730hrs after the successful completion of the target distance.
The event ran very smoothly and was a huge success. All the attendees were very cheerful and thoroughly enjoyed their day. We managed to complete the target cycling distance within the allocated time. The event’s main objective of raising awareness about Mouth Cancer was achieved and
a total fund of $1001 BND was raised for Oral Health Foundation UK. The PCMF & Dental Centre would like to thank everyone who attended and contributed towards the Charity Event and for making the event a success.