Page 5 - RADC Bulletin 2019
P. 5

Major R Cheema RADC
With all the uncertainty and apprehension that was rife during 2019: Brexit; Beast from the East followed by heat wave; even The Ashes; the one thing I was sure of was that members of our Corps, collectively, would be participating
in and achieving some pretty remarkable things. I was not wrong. Having now compiled my third and final edition as Editor of this illustrious bulletin, it is clear to see that our Officers and Soldiers have managed to get out of their clinics and challenged themselves whilst at the same time having some fun.
We, the RADC, may be small in number (and still decreasing) but that does not stop us punching above our weight, and
this was clearly illustrated by the RADC team’s successes and achievements in the AMS Athletics & Tug of War. Another perennial blight is our lack of Operational commitments (again, no signs of that changing any time soon), however that did not stop Capt James Williams and LCpl Sasha Marcus to get out onto the ground on Ex Saif Sareea III. This exercise was the largest joint exercise of its kind for 15 years and reading the article certainly brought back some memories of experiences on Ops Telic and Herrick.
In fact, overseas adventures again feature strongly in this edition of the bulletin. Whether it be SSgt Zoe Beckett excelling in her sporting disciplines in Fiji and Germany, Maj Christoph Harper charging across the veld in South Africa, or even
Maj Stuart Porter experiencing all that Asia has to offer from
the snowy peaks of Japan to the deep jungles of Borneo. A special mention must also go to Maj Dave Edwards. A stalwart in providing humorous articles over recent editions of the bulletin, I, and I am sure many of you, delight in reading of his AT exploits and his Corsican adventure certainly delivered the requisite abdominal workout. But he has sadly now left the RADC and with it I fear we have lost our satirical section. Dave, if you are reading this, I hope your ankle has healed as Lt Col Valler is on the lookout for a stand up comedian as part of our forthcoming RADC 100 celebrations!
As I bow out from the Editorship I wish my successor luck in her hunt for articles worthy to feature in our bulletin and I ask that you all continue to support its production by providing good quality articles of your achievements, endeavors and experiences. Without the article contributors we would have no bulletin – so thank you. I would also like to thank Crest Publications for their continued help in producing the Bulletin and our sponsors for their financial support.
Enjoy your bulletin.
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