Page 41 - RADC Bulletin 2019
P. 41
On Duty in Brunei
Maj Kate Porter RADC
I was privileged to get a 7 week temporary duty assignment to Brunei. The main driving force for volunteering was to
get the opportunity do deliver primary dentistry in a new environment... oh and spending time with my brother and his family.
The 7 weeks were amazing because:
1. After 7 years in the RADC I have
never been posted near Stuart and his family. So getting to spend time with these cheeky monkeys was a lot of fun - and yes, I did bring an inflatable unicorn with me. I am not sure who enjoyed it more!!!
2. Having the opportunity to work alongside my older brother was exciting, and a new dynamic for both of us. As kids he extremely irritated me, we used to fight all the time!
This was going to be a test and could go either way. I thought it was going really well and I was enjoying it, however when I asked Stuart a few
to help out and deliver a presentation to 200 kids, plus spread the message on prevention of childhood decay on BFBS (I was definitely stitched up by Stuart). This was a lot of fun and brought the whole team together to ensure maximum effect. The amazing staff at Brunei Dental Centre made me feel very welcome. We even managed a trip through
the jungle to a waterfall where we had a dip and ate lunch which was all freshly prepared (I was spoiled). Sheela even taught me how to make momos.
5. While half way around the world it would be crazy not to explore Borneo more. I took the opportunities at the weekends to go exploring.
If any DO or DN gets the opportunity to be posted, or like me cover temporary duties, in Brunei it is a place not to be missed.
weeks in he did say “as the SDO no one ever challenges his requests”
– I didn’t want the rubbish jobs so voiced my opinion!!!!!
3. The first few days I was nervous
as I had to treat children, which I
haven’t done in 6 years. Having my
niece and nephew around definitely 4.
I was soon into the groove of making dentistry fun
helped and I was soon into the groove of making dentistry fun. It was highlighted that there was an increased amount of childhood caries and this should be the area to target for National Smile Month. I was lucky