Page 12 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 12

   wet-dry drills. But then you start to get to feel like a real soldier doing fire and manoeuvre, which is knackering but fun. After three nights in the field with little sleep, we were ready to head back to the warmth of our lines. Thinking we were just head- ing straight back, we were then surprised with an extended tab carrying all our kit. This pushed eve- ryone’s mental and physical resil-
as expected – horizontal rain, snowy peaks, blis- tering wind. Each patrol has some eventful memo- ries that will stay with the platoon for their military careers and beyond. And although the experience of Ex LONG REACH is different for everyone, most, if not all OCdts, overcame challenges and have taken away valuable lessons. The Old College
 ience as many had never carried that much weight or tabbed that distance. With achy shoulders and tired legs, we finally made it back. Unfortunately, exercise does not finish when you get back as the joy- ous post exercise admin begins. We also had a room inspection the next day, so it was yet another late night. Sleep is overrated anyway.
Each patrol has some eventful memories that will stay with the platoon for their military careers and beyond
Commander said at the end that for this specific exercise the importance goes “ The Team, The Individual, The Task”. As the exercise progressed this became more apparent and a com- monality across all patrols. When you are thrown the unexpected, no matter how strong you are, it is having a team around to get you through the hard times that makes the difference. The whole platoon has come away learn- ing new things about themselves and
The second major exercise in Junior Term is Ex LONG REACH, a rite of passage among OCdts. Before you start, you already know it will bring sto- ries of extreme highs and lows due to its arduous nature. We deployed from RMAS filled with excite- ment combined with nervous anticipation of what the gruelling Black Mountains would throw at us. It really did not disappoint. The Welsh weather was
others, a sense of achievement of the mental and physical boundaries they can push through, and a deeper bond with each other. You can already sense how relationships have changed and grown stronger from just being in the Black Mountains together. Ex LONG REACH is not an easy mile- stone to attempt and the whole platoon should feel proud of themselves.

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