Page 11 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 11

  These first weeks go by at double speed with imposter syndrome slowly fading as you get thrown into more drill, navigation tests, lots of admin, room inspections, live firing, and various military skills lessons. Most, if not all, OCdts are amazed with how well they can function on little sleep, and how much you can learn
ing outside, bringing a slight fear of the unknown. The cold weather the UK was experiencing leading up to deployment added to these nerves many of us were feeling. Then, before you have too much time to think, you are thrown into planning and preparation with the never-ending admin. We
 in a short space of time. Before you know it, you are at Arms & Services Day starting to think about what regiment you can see yourself in once you commission. Although at this point you know there is a long way to go, you are filled with pride as you get onto the line at 0600hrs on the day of the Drill Test - symbol- ising the end of Weeks 1-5.
Most, if not
all, OCdts are amazed with how well they can function on little sleep
got into sections for the first time and started our many kit checks to make sure no one had forgotten anything. By some miracle, as we patrolled out to the training area, the sun shone down on our faces and those four days hap- pened to be the warmest of the month – even though not sure the Interna- tional Cadets would agree that it was ‘warm’ just warmer. It was a valuable
The first exercise of the term took place on the now all too familiar Barossa training area - Ex SELF RELIANCE. This was the first time the majority of OCdts lived in the field, for some the first time sleep-
few days learning how to patrol, set up a harbour area, admin yourself in the field, live tactically and that a ‘shell-scrape’ is never deep enough. There were multiple times where choice of career got questioned, especially when we voluntarily walked straight into a pond on night navigation to practice

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