Page 9 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 9

ple of days that, along with my fellow International Cadets, we were going to get along very well. Throughout the initial days we felt extremely wel- come and they were just as excited to be with us as we were with them. On several occasions, many of the British Ocdts leaned on our previous military experience. For us, this was a significant act as it showed us that they didn’t pride themselves over us. They see us as equals and are ready to learn from us along with teaching us their customs and a somewhat varied use of the English language, including trying to explain to us the military slang, sometimes to no avail.
A warm welcome but a not so warm climate OCdt Djanie
I was excited and looking forward to coming to The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. I had heard a lot about this noble academy from my predeces- sors, telling us how helpful and impactful it is to train here. I had a lot of expectations on arrival, but since coming here, the weather hasn’t been friendly at all. Sometimes it makes life a bit diffi- cult but that is where the drills the DS teach us come into play. Apart from the weather, I really love training and want to enjoy every part. The environment here at RMAS is very welcoming and gives us the opportunity to learn a lot. RMAS has
helped me develop my skills on how to react when faced with stressful and demanding situations. This experience so far also gave me the opportunity to learn the UK National Anthem and other National Anthems of my fellow International Cadets in my platoon, which helps promote cultural diversity.

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