Page 7 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 7

Alamein Company Dinner Night
Perhaps a hang on from his own time at Sand- hurst, Field Marshall Montgomery’s dogged- ness in eating a full English breakfast every
morning in the North African desert earnt it the title the“FullMonty”.Whilstdeficientinbreakfastfood- stuffs (although not lacking in desert-like heat on a sweltering June evening), Alamein Company’s Jun- ior Term Dinner Night celebrated Initiative at the Second Battle of El-Alamein and treated OCdts to a figurative Full Monty of entertainments.
After enough lint rollers to put Wilkinson out of business had been unleashed on the OCdts’ Blues, the evening began atop the steps of Old College. OCdts were treated to a glass of Spumante and tried their hardest to make polite conversation with the guests in attendance. At the legendary bellow of John Archibald MBE, OCdts and guests headed into the dining room to begin the meal.
Whilst a pleasant opportunity to assemble the whole Company and enjoy an evening together, the evening also facilitated a key training objec- tive in introducing OCdts to mess dinners, mili- tary tradition, and dining etiquette. OCdts were briefed beforehand as to the order of events and the behaviours expected of them on the evening. These lessons had clearly been inwardly digested by the Company, with all OCdts on cue and dis- playing impeccable behaviour throughout the evening.
Following a starter of goat’s cheese and beetroot tart, OCdts Adams and Hardman provided an engaging Introduction to The Second Battle of El Alamein. Rightfully setting the battle as a crucial turning point in the Second World War, our atten- tion was also drawn to the initiative and creativ- ity of Field Marshals Montgomery and Rommel (although, as far as one’s aware, Rommel never had a dog named Montgomery).
After a main course of pan seared duck breast, we heard from OCdt Barribal of the remarkable brav- ery and initiative of New Zealand’s Captain Charles Upham VC and Bar at the Battle of El Alamein. The only individual to receive two VCs during the Sec- ond World War, Captain Upham is often consid- ered the most highly decorated Commonwealth soldier of the War. On top of acts of immense brav-
OCdt Large
ery, his citation tells of great initiative both in tactics and leadership, dominating the situation and rally- ing the men around him to push onwards.
Finally, after a particularly good apple tart tatin, OCdt Binnington guided us through a period of reflection on the idea of initiative itself. As was seen in endless examples at El Alamein, the first princi- ple of initiative is an unerring confidence that tri- umph over adversity is never far around the corner.
With Mr Vice having raised a Loyal Toast to His Majesty The King and the Heads of State of the International Cadets, the evening drew to a close. Throughout the evening a quintet of brass musi- cians provided fitting and varied musical accom- paniment, from regimental marches to a rather smooth rendition of Phil Collins’ A Groovy Kind of Love (my mother’s rather a fan if you couldn’t guess). Special thanks must also go to the catering staff, Captain Paddy Bernard (LD), and OCdt Toms and her committee of OCdts who all drew together to deliver a memorable and instructional evening for the OCdts of Alamein Company.
After the excitement of the dinner night, the Com- pany assembled again the following morning for a service of reflection in the College chapel, co-ordi- nated by OCdt Walker. With the Book of Remem- brance in the foreground, containing the names of officers of all Armies of the British Commonwealth who gave their lives in the Second World War, OCdts were called once again to reflect on the feats of initiative displayed by those at El Alamein and to live their example from here on in.
After a successful and instructional dinner night and morning chapel service, I am sure the les- sons of initiative from the desert of El Alamein will prove of great utility to every OCdt throughout our military careers. Indeed, as I make the early morn- ing trudge to the canteen hotplates, on a mission to load myself with hash browns, sausage, bacon, and eggs, I shall think of Field Marshall Montgom- ery and muse upon how initiative might see me through the day to come.

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