Page 5 - WishStream Year of 2023
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Welcome to this year’s Wish Stream maga- zine. It is a pleasure to write this foreword as Commandant, on behalf of all the OCdts and staff. This year the Academy has seen change as it modernises to meet the demands of the Future Army; an Army which will see £40Bn of investment over the next decade. I am deeply grateful to all our civil service, academic and military personnel who have been working tirelessly to
deliver this change whilst maintain- ing the impressive output of high- quality Officer leaders for the Field Army.
Maj Gen Zac Stenning OBE
Officer who is a combat ready leader, delivering in an Army, ready to fight and win wars on the land.
We continue to attract high quality young men and women to the Academy. Our overall intake numbers are running at 98%. Each intake encom- passes: a split of 86% male to 14% female; 74% are graduates; 24% without any military experi-
Project ADAIR sees the modernisa-
tion of the syllabus, our most signifi-
cant modernisation in over a dec-
ade. Its focus will be on training and
equipping newly commissioned
Officers with a broader skill set in an optimised training environment. It will incorporate tactics and theory that reflect the modern battlefield, while exposing OCdts to the widest possible aperture of Defence and its future. The output is a Junior
of those OCdts in Lucknow on the short courses while also covering the breadth of wider activity within the station. From OCdt to Permanent Staff, the articles show how no two days at the Academy are the same.
Commandant’s Foreword
 Today there are 97 International Cadets training from 42 different countries, with 7 heads of state as alumni
ence; 55% from state schools; 25% have seen some degree of service in the Reserves and 43% have received training within a UOTC. Today there are 97 International Cadets training from 42 different countries, with 7 heads of state as alumni.
To bring this to life, this edition will guide you through the Academy: from Juniors to Seniors; with mention

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