Page 6 - WishStream Year of 2023
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Stories of OCdts experiencing the pride of walk- ing up Old College steps on reception day as they embark on their Commissioning Course. Mixed with those soldier entry OCdts who reflect and describe the ‘intensity’ of the first few weeks, while marvelling at the ability of those without any military training, to pick up on platoon basics at pace. These cohorts are brought together in a challenging yet controlled fashion, under the care- ful guidance of our Captain and Colour Sergeant Instructors.
The maturing of those OCdts is evident, as they grow and develop rapidly through the weeks of training. Before long, OCdts find themselves com- fortably commanding platoons in increasing com- plex environments, where they learn much about themselves and their teams. Instructors comment with pride when witnessing this transition, reflec- tive of the effort from the individual and the team. Readers can be assured that the next generation joining the Field Army remain competent, robust and effective.
The Sandhurst Trust continues to provide sup- port to Lucknow Platoon’s focus on rehabilitation and recovery. Here, OCdts are exposed to broader experiences and trials to benefit not only their own development but also that of the wider Academy. Those who return to regular training come back reinvigorated, rehabilitated and upskilled.
Since our last publication, the Academy was hon- oured that HM King Charles III attended the 200th Sovereign’s Parade on 14 April 2023 which marked the culmination of Commissioning Course 222 and the commissioning of 151 UK and 26 International Cadets from 15 countries. Marching up Old Col- lege steps at the end of this special parade was our 40,000th officer commissioning into the Brit- ish Army since 1947. His Majesty presented new Colours and Sovereign’s Banner to the Academy; this was the first unit to receive this honour from His Majesty since his accession to the throne. The parade was also attended by: HM King Abdul- lah II and HRH Crown Prince Hussein of Jordan; HRH Prince Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg (all Academy alumni); the Deputy Prime Minister of Qatar and the Undersecretary for Defence of Kuwait. We were also joined by past Comman- dants, our most senior member being Lieutenant General Sir Peter Graham (Commandant 1989 – 1991). It was another special and remarkable event for the Royal Military Academy as it continues to train leaders for the British Army and the Nation.
I hope you enjoy reading this latest edition of our rich and continuing history,
Serve To Lead.

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