Page 10 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 10

 Impressions of RMAS:
(as a direct entry OCdt)
using experiences gained
throughout the term
OCdt Davies
CC231 Royal Military Academy Sandhurst journey began on the 9th January 2023 with
‘Ironing Board Sunday ’ which,
got moved to a Monday. After all the hard work put in to getting into Sandhurst, the day had finally arrived bringing feelings of excitement with a lot of nerves, especially with the notorious Weeks 1-5 ahead of us. Walking up Old College steps fills you with a sense of pride combined with a large amount of anticipation for the year to come. This quickly disappears as you are thrown straight into things, sitting down in your platoons, in the dining room next to strangers who you know will become your support network.
The rest of the day flew past as you are thrown information, being introduced to your directing staff, fearing any Colour Sergeant you see walk
past and trying to figure out how on earth you do a hospital corner fold. The fear of the unknown slowly fades as you start understanding how things work here and the maze that is Old College becomes so familiar. But then...drill starts, and the panic associated with walking anywhere sets in. You are simultaneously trying not to tick tock and figuring out what “aaftt, aaight, aaftt, aaight” means coming from an angry Welsh Guardsman. Amidst this, the sleep deprivation starts to take its toll, as the never-ending admin begins. You start to forget what freedom was like before as you are dusting skirting boards at midnight contemplating what life has become. Despite this, the camaraderie of the platoon gets you through as you find comfort in the fact that everyone is in the same boat. These strange moments bond you in ways that friends outside the military find baffling.

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