Page 91 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 91

On Saturday 15th April 2023, members of Water- loo Company embarked on a spot of Summer Rock Climbing in the idyllic Peak District, as
part of the Intermediate Term Adventurous Train- ing package. Deftly organised by OCdt Rhoden, the team of six, including OCdts Chapman, Far- relly and Gray undertook foundation lessons from Cpl McCrystal of the Royal Engineers, additionally building on the already highly-experienced rock climbers OCdts Oliver and Waite.
Establishing themselves in an Airbnb overlook- ing the deep and dramatic valleys outside Shef- field, the team embarked on a number of daytime expeditions to various popular climbing locations across the county. Such sites included Stan- age, where Farrelly went toe-to-toe with a wasp, Froggatt Edge, where Gray’s pesky old man knee started playing up again, and an indoor climb- ing facility in the heart of Sheffield, where Oliver felt that bringing his own kit was an unnecessary expenditure of effort.
The days consisted of siting the climbs, taking turns belaying each other, and observing best practice as we progressed in each area. Usually, we man- aged at least two sites per day, gradually increas- ing the difficulty as we went on. Cpl McCrystal also took individuals for one-on-one instruction on how
OCdt Gray
to anchor the ropes at the top of each climb. As the week progressed, the new climbers began to lead climb, that is to incrementally attach themselves higher to the rock face as they climb, whilst being belayed by the ground team. Sometimes this could be a true test of nerves, even on the indoor climbs. Bouldering was also a fun excursion that encour- aged more creativity in the climbing method, whilst of course minimising risk.
The evenings consisted of the OCdts taking turns at cooking up the evening scran in a Come Dine With Me format followed by a dip in the hot tub. One evening, the team recced to find the nearby ice cream parlour in the neighbouring dairy farm, allowing for resupply to sustain our continued efforts, simultaneously reassuring the local popula- tion that all flavours on offer were well worth the wait.
In all, the week provided an appropriate challenge to those in the group who had never approached the sport, and a welcome reward for the hard work everyone put in over the Intermediate Term. All OCdts left the course with Rock Climbing Founda- tion qualifications to populate their JPA (once they get access to it). Of note, OCdt Waite was awarded Top Student, despite not being taught anything he didn’t already know.

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