Page 93 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 93

Ex CULLIN CONQUEROR saw six Intermediate Term OCdts deploying to the Isle of Skye along with one instructor to undertake five days of
hillwalking and mountaineering.
After a gruelling 13-hour drive from Sandhurst, the team arrived in Portnalog in Skye and quickly set-
OCdt Watson
Day two saw the team rising early to attempt a more challenging summit, Sgur Draeg, next to the Inaccessible Pinnacle. The walk starts immediately up a hill, past beautiful waterfalls and all within view of the sea. The team started to scramble up a gulley and continued to do so for several hun- dred metres vertical. Reaching the peak at 986m
tled into our bunkhouse. We rested up and prepared for our first day hill walking the next day.
Reaching the peak at 986m in the clouds, the descent seemed intimidating with Inaccessible Pinnacle on the left and our steep descent to the right.
in the clouds, the descent seemed intimidating with Inaccessible Pinna- cle on the left and our steep descent to the right. The descent started with a perfect scree slope and saw the team learning scree running and improving their mountain safety techniques and knowledge. Another challenging lat- eral scramble to another scree slope and the team continued to descend, loving every sliding step. We arrived at a small mountain loch and, after a short stop, continued on down to the vehicles. Off to the pub for a well- earned beer after such a challenging
 Day one came around and the team
drove into Portree to pick up some
supplies and then on to the old man
of Storr for a nice hill walk to ease
us into the week. The ascent went
quickly and the team was eager to
stretch their legs, making light work
of the hill. Our experienced instruc-
tor, Ash (Cartwright), spotted a
brilliant scramble route on the way
down and the team, while appre-
hensive, all gave it a go and, after almost half an hour in the “Stretch zone”, came out the other side relieved but satisfied with the challenge overcome. Back to the bunkhouse for a warm meal and a beer.
and adventurous day.
Day three started slowly with a big meal and a packing session before the team embarked on a

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