Page 94 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 94

drive to the other end of the island to start our two day overnight exped. Leaving the vehicles after lunch, the team embarked on a beautiful 15-kilo- metre walk, along the scenic North West cliffs of Skye, to the Orsidall Bothy where we were to spend the night hiding from the midges and shar- ing stories.
An early start on a clear morning started day four as we left the Bothy and started up the hill towards Macleod’s table south. Then off down for a hot walk, through a thick forest to a beautiful black sand beach for an invigorating swim before we headed back to the vans and to a lovely local café for a late brunch. Back to the bunkhouse, a warm meal and some final packing for the journey back.
Day five and the team started early again and drove over to the Glencoe valley for a scenic walk up the Hidden valley where the Glencoe massa- cre occurred. One final scramble down a stream bed and we were back to the vehicles for the drive back. The drive back was just as long as the way there and the team arrived at Sandhurst just after midnight, tired and relieved.
All in all, Ex CULLIN CONQUEROR was a resounding success. Not only were we incredibly lucky, spending a week in Skye, without a drop of rain, but the team’s enthusiasm and bravery, despite the challenging routes and several mem- bers fear of heights, made my job as exped leader and the instructor’s job a genuine pleasure. Finally, our instructor, Ash’s experience, adaptability and humour blended perfectly with the group and allowed all of us to truly experience the moun- tains. Thanks to all six OCdts for making this trip so brilliant.
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