Page 92 - WishStream Year of 2023
P. 92

OCdt Mathers
“Now you’re doing the good stuff”, reads the WhatsApp message on my phone only a few seconds after I send my grandfather a
photo of my crew and I standing onboard our Vic 34 before setting sail. My grandfather, a retired Rear Admiral SAN, was understandably excited that I had chosen to pursue a maritime qualification and admittedly, so was I. I chose to lead a sailing expedi- tion because of the adventure and new experiences it offered. The plan was to sail from Gosport along the South-West coast to Poole and back again, with a different harbour and marina every evening.
The start of the expedition was more challeng- ing than I, and I’m sure our instructor, had imag- ined. The weather was far from ideal and for the less experienced sailors amongst us, me included, rather bumpy. After a few hours, we had made it to our first harbour in Lymington. Everyone was equally exhausted and ready for bed upon arrival; however, a shower and food were still in order. Rather amusingly, I could feel myself rocking from side to side while sitting at a table on land. This was something that I would become used to over the next few days. Our second day was far easier than the first. The crew had already begun a rhythm of doing things and after the first day’s rough condi- tions, the second day was a breeze. However, I was
accused of a sub-par grocery run as we were miss- ing essential items such as sugar, sauce and salt. It was rather emotional for my crewmates who enjoy a sweet coffee. Luckily, my morale recovered in the evening when I received a toast for all my efforts.
Day three marked the beginning of our return journey and began with us refuelling as our fuel tanks were running rather low. Good to note, that a sailboat is not entirely powered by the wind. The yacht was beginning to run smoothly as our team became more experienced and accustomed to the sailing lifestyle. We ended the day with a fish and chips on the back of the yacht. By days four and five, our instructor had given us control of the ves- sel and we could sail as we pleased. Our final team meal saw us use the remaining CILOR funds and the funds granted to us by the Sandhurst Trust. Who doesn’t love a free dining experience?
Our final day saw us return to Gosport relatively unharmed and satisfied with our completed expe- dition. Being an expedition leader was new, excit- ing and a great experience that every young officer should have under their belt. I am sure I will return to sailing at some stage in my career and I continue to advocate adventurous training to my colleagues and troops.

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