Page 13 - LBV 2017
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  Op EAGLE and Op SEAHORSE are the 2 recruitment drives of new OCdts into the CUOTC. Op EAGLE is the larger of the 2 aiming to recruit c 100 OCdts during Freshers week, whilst Op Seahorse allows for a smaller round of recruitment in the New Year. As new students arrive at their prospective Universities, all actively pursuing new challenges as they embark on their degrees, CUOTC is ready
to actively recruit those willing and able to join. We recruit students from Cambridge University, Anglia Ruskin University, University of East Anglia and University of Hertfordshire. Students from other universities within the region are also encouraged to join up.
Recruitment is an extremely busy time for CUOTC, without new OCdts there is no OTC. This year the recruitment planning ramped up in late summer; a recruitment team was drawn up under the direction of SUO Warner, a seasoned recruiter. Nominated leads for each university worked with the Adjt to compile marketing materials, flyers, update our social media presence, design stands for the Freshers’ Fairs and generally get the word out about joining.
Freshers’ Fairs are fast and furious, thousands of eager new students keen to sign up for a new challenge. Our recruiting teams of OCdts were easy to spot, all dressed smartly in uniform they had a great time interacting with students; some who sought us out as were keen to join the army in future, others vaguely familiar with the army having been in the Cadets at school, and many just drawn in by the lure of the glossy adventure training pictures; skiing, sailing, diving, mountain biking- you name it we do it! But all sharing a common interest in doing something different
2Lt Hughes and the Cambridge The Hertfordhsire Team recruiting team
and something a little less ordinary than most societies can offer. Hundreds of names signed up across all 4 Freshers’ Fairs to attend our open evenings over the next few weeks.
A detailed brief from the Adjutant outlining
the pre requisites to join UOTC allowed a few of the undecided to decide. A slice of pizza, a few drinks and some mingling with existing OCdts
all gave those looking to join us, a reason to sign up for the medical; a compulsory hurdle
to jump through before being attested into the OTC. Happily we had many sign up and subject to a successful completion of the recruitment and selection days we were well on our way to a new intake of A Coy OCdts for the forthcoming Training Year.
A second round of recruitment, Op SEAHORSE takes place in early in the New Year. Traditionally it aims to recruit an additional 20 OCdts into the already formed up A Coy. It allows us to recruit those who may not have heard about us first time round, or who were not available to attend the medical or who have simply been encouraged
to join up by their fellow students. This year
was particularly successful with thanks to 2Lt Snelson who made an impressive indent into
the student medical cohort significantly ramping up our numbers. These OCdts affectionately known as ‘Stormbergers’ are placed on a Mod A consolidated course in order for them to join the existing A Coy ranks.
Capt AJD Ferguson
If you are interested in joining please contact us on or tel: 012232247818
‘Where am I?’
 Cambridge UOTC Recruitment-
Op EAGLE 2016 and Op SEAHORSE 2017

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