Page 5 - LBV 2017
P. 5
Commanding Officer’s Foreword
During our summer camp, named Exercise KENTISH BLUE, I found myself patrolling with our Officer Cadets along a tractor rut through a chest-high crop of beans to insert into the concealed Forming Up Point. As a Harvest Moon gave way to the dawn chorus the Fire Support initiated a Company attack and the comforting chaos of assault, suppress, reserve unfolded. By the time the enemy had been defeated the summer sun bathed us all in the warm glow of victory and we sat down to a Regimental breakfast to share the moment.
This was the culmination of an outstanding Training Year that has seen many changes whilst preserving all that is good and distinct about our Corps - Cambridge and Norwich detachments are flourishing. We are seeing the value that
the Sandhurst Leadership brand is bringing to the claim that the OTC is the best society for leadership development on campus. We are fully embedded with the Desert Rats of 7 Brigade and the region with our training enhanced by troops from Units that we subsequently provide with Young Officers. I am delighted that this year we will see twenty of our Officer Cadets Commission into the Regular and Reserve Army.
We have embraced a Culture of Commissioning with a far more entrepreneurial approach to offering a range of modular “green” training formats. It is evident the Cadets welcome
the opportunity to conduct training at a pace
and format that suits widely divergent study programmes. You will read that we have also sustained the unique opportunities for sport, Adventure Training, engagement and social events
that offer an insight into the richness of Army life. The range of outstanding personal and team achievements in these pages is impressive.
This summer the RSM and I visited General Sir Hugh Beach (Peterhouse) who was an
Officer Cadet, Commanding Officer and
later Honorary Colonel of Cambridge University Officers’ Training Corps. At ninety four years
of age his sharp intellect and interest in our current Cadets is an inspiration and we pass
on his warm wishes to the LBV and OTC. Our current Honorary Colonel, General Sir Peter Wall (Selwyn), visited us on Camp and confirmed
he will take over as President of the Council
of Military Education Committees and we are delighted he will pass the baton as Honorary Colonel to Lieutenant General Sir John Lorimer (Pembroke). The Hail and Farewell will be celebrated at the Light Blue Volunteer Dinner at Trinity Hall on Saturday 18th November 2017 and I hope you will join us. We are so lucky to have such great advocates for our Cadets - part of our rich tradition.
I am keen to hear from any member of the LBV if you think you can help us provide a greater breadth and depth of opportunity to our Officer Cadets. Perhaps you are currently in a military role that might enhance our training or a leadership position in industry that can enhance perspectives to the value of OTC service. Please write to me here in the HQ, at RMAS-Gp-OTC- or call 01223 275751.
We are well poised for next year with a strong training team in place that balances the continuity of experienced instructors who understand
what we are about, supplemented with fresh perspectives from recent joiners from the Field Army. Our Young Officers and newly promoted SUO and JUOs will be central to our success and we have exciting plans to empower them in leadership roles to truly have the best Society in the university - led by students for students. Lieutenant Colonel David Carter Commanding Officer
Cambridge University Officers’
Training Corps