Page 48 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2022
P. 48

                                Scottish Branch
  Vice Chairs report
The Branch AGM was held in March
at our usual venue in Auchterarder. Our Treasurer Linda Stocks had given prior notice that she was to stand down and similarly, our Show Manager had once again stood down after
the Branch Championships in 2022. We were unable to appoint a new Treasurer at the meeting but thankfully that was resolved shortly afterwards when Mrs Liz Loudon agreed to take up the position. Ian Macphee has agreed to take on the role of Show manager and will shadow the outgoing Show Manager at our 2022 Branch Championships which will once again be held at Larbert.
Huge thanks to Linda from the Branch for the sterling work she did in her 10 years as Treasurer and for continuing to serve on our committee.
With Covid rules being relaxed, the Branch has decided to go ahead with our Annual Seminar in November after having had to cancel the event in 2020
and 2021. Other than exhibiting in shows throughout the season, our seminar has been hugely successful in allowing our members and others from further afield to meet up and renew acquaintances
as well as being a huge information source through the talks and slideshows provided and at the same time help fulfil part of the aims of the Society set out in the Constitution.
tunnel although age did contribute to that and my small greenhouse on the plot has had to be retired, hurt beyond repair!! I’ve replaced it with a bigger greenhouse.
At time of writing, I’ve also put up a new greenhouse at home which is close to bursting with plants for the allotment and for a stand the Branch is putting up at the Horticultural event to be held at Scone
On the cultivation front, it’s difficult to describe what will be happening in the future i.e. when this edition of the magazine
is published. Easier to describe the year so far. We have just endured
best wishes to all our growers and exhibitors
Palace in early June. The event is intended to take the place of the Gardening Scotland event previously held at Ingliston which unfortunately met its demise. Best wishes to the organisers and hopefully this new event will become an annual one.
 a very dry month of
April, but this has followed a traumatic springtime with what seemed like endless storms. Serious damage was caused
to my own allotment, much of it by a polytunnel blowing in complete with frame. Also, damage done to my own
Finally best wishes to all our growers and exhibitors who by the time they read this article will be starting to see the fruits of their labours and be looking forward to the show season.
Frank Taylor FNVS
 Diary notes
July 17th
Don’t forget to book your place for the annual garden visit via the event on the NVS web site to help us calculate numbers – need help, ask Fiona.
Aug 27th
deadline for submitting your Scottish Branch Championships exhibitor entries
Sept 3rd
Your Scottish Branch Show schedule & entry form is in this edition of your SV Magazine. A PDF copy can also be downloaded form the NVS web site (in the events section) along with directions on how to get there.
Sept 10th
NoSDA annual show, Simpsons Garden Centre – check out the NVS web site for more details
Oct 1st
Placeholder for the judge’s exam & Committee Meeting
Nov 19th
Placeholder for the annual Branch Seminar
 Obituary – David Mitchel
We are sad to announce that David Mitchel passed away at the beginning of May. David, from Kelty, originally a Northern Branch Member, became a founder
member of the Scottish Branch when it was initially established, serving on the Scottish Branch committee for many years. David was a qualified judge and also ran the Judges exam throughout the 70’s and 80’s. David was a keen grower and exhibitor and helped many other members throughout the years.
Whilst David had been unwell for some time, he enjoyed visits from his NVS friends and keeping up to date with all that was happening within the society. A stalwart of the Scottish branch, David will be sadly missed.
 David top right, Scottish Branch Committee 1978
48 Simply Vegetables
MEMBERS 30000 TO 39999

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