Page 49 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2022
P. 49

                                 Scottish Branch AGM – March 2022
Covid aside, we are finally getting back to normal and to that end, the Scottish Branch Annual General meeting (AGM) went ahead as planned on March 12th in Auchterarder. I must say
it did not feel normal however, as we were missing our dear friends Ian and Linda Stocks due to Ian’s current illness with cancer. We send our best wishes to Ian and Linda.
The AGM was therefore duly chaired by our Vice Chair Frank Taylor and, with covid restrictions remaining in place we proceeded as planned with the Secretary reading out a message from Ian Stocks.
As was previously reported, two posts were due to change
this year; Show Manager (with Frank Taylor standing down) and Treasurer (with Linda Stocks standing down). I am happy to report that all other officer positions remained the same.
I am delighted to report that Ian McPhee volunteered to be our new Show Manager and he will take over the reins with support from Frank for our 2022 Branch Championships in Larbert.
During the meeting, we did not get a volunteer to take on board the role of Branch Treasurer, however I’m very happy to report that Liz Loudon subsequently volunteered a week after the meeting.... thankyou Liz. Although the position of Branch Treasurer will still be required to be ratified at the next Committee meeting scheduled for May 28th, hopefully by the time you are reading this summer edition of your SV, Liz will be getting up to speed. NB I am also delighted to report that although Linda Stocks is standing down as Branch Treasurer she is remaining on the committee.
We did however lose two committee members with David and Margaret Burns standing down due to David’s health and I would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank David & Margaret
for their contribution, including travelling the long journeys from Cumbria to the committee meetings in Auchterarder. We wish you both well and look forward to seeing you at the shows later this year.
Jim Williams Alistair Gray Ian Stocks Frank Taylor
Elizabeth Loudon volunteered post meeting (to be ratified May 28th Committee meeting)
Fiona Shenfield Fred Stewart
Ian McPhee
Neil Muirhead Gareth Cameron Fiona Shenfield
Les Craib and David Nelson Gareth Cameron and Ian Simpson
The treasurer’s report highlighted that the Branch is in a good financial position and our D.A.’s were thanked for their prompt submissions of their accounts along with Fred Stewart for his efficient dealing of the Membership processes. It was highlighted however, that due to lack of fundraising events (due to Covid restrictions – i.e., no leek & plant sales and no annual Seminar), there was a deficit of £850.89. Outlays included the Branch Championships and a donation of £500 that was given to the Trustees towards the running of the National Championships at Atcham. Fundraising should return to normal in 2022 with the anticipated leek & plant sales at Scone Palace in June and the long- awaited Seminar in November this year.
In closing, I would like to thank all of our committee members for their continued support, especially our new volunteers whose help is most appreciated.
Fiona Shenfield
Scottish Branch Secretary
    Scottish Branch President
Honorary Vice President
Annual Garden Visit – North of Scotland
Last quarter we reported that the Scottish Branch was planning its annual garden visit. We can confirm it will be going ahead and details have now been finalised for our visit to the Gordon Castle Walled Garden situated between the River Spey and the Moray Coast. (Fochabers, Morayshire IV32 7PQ)
10.00am Starting at the walled garden, we will be shown around the 7-acre Victorian Wall Garden by Ed Bolom the head gardener.
11.30am view the castle shop if desired or spend longer in the garden
12.00 Lunch in the garden cafe for soup and a sandwich. (The thick cut sandwiches include a side salad and crisps, range
in price from approx. £7.50 to £8.25 and soup is £3.50 or £4.50 if you fancy Cullen Skink). Please note an extract from the menu can be found on the NVS website for this event.
13.00 Travel to Peter Fitch’s one acre garden at Lhanbryde 14.15 Travel to John (Hoss) Martin’s veg garden at Kinloss We look forward to seeing you there.
IMPORTANT to provide us with a more accurate idea for numbers (for a reserve booking at the café) we have set up the event NVS website which allows you to “book your place”. If you wish to attend, but require help with your booking, please contact Fiona Shenfield on (01592) 890 284, thank you.
  Vice Chairman
  Branch Secretary
  Membership Secretary
  Show Manager
  Show Secretary
  Sponsorship Officer
  SV Sub Editor
     Committee Members
(in addition to those listed as officers)
Ian Archibald, George Bartling,
Les Craib, George Cumming, John Currie, Bill Duff, Doug Gerrard, Mary Gray, George Harrison, William Loudon, Jim Mercer, Melvin Miller, John Martin, David Nelson, Arthur Provan, Jimmy Raeburn,
Ian Simpson, George Scott, Linda Stocks, Jean Thomson, Jim Veitch, Alan Yates.
  Dundee Flower Show Rep
  Trustee Rep
  Simply Vegetables 49

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