Page 51 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2022
P. 51
Northern Branch
MEMBERS 20000 TO 29999
Chairman’s report July 2022
Up in the North of the country we have escaped severe weather once again.
I remember the years when we were blocked in the villages for days on end with snow and also severe frosts every winter. Living on a farm
stopped sowing and growing bedding plants all year with at least another month of sowing still to do before the spring summer season settles down. I am spending my time between filling
we spent most mornings trying to defrost water pipes to get the cattle their feed and water.
It is unusual to be wanting rain to fall this early in the season
trays for plug production and filling for bedding production. Plus a few other jobs. We are
going to be growing in
a medium of peat free and seed compost this next month to see if it will compare with the normal growing medium. The
Finally I must thank
the members of
North Yorkshire and
South Durham for
putting on the display
at Harrogate spring flower
show. A big thanks to Kevin
Trichener for his fantastic vegetables he produced once again for the stand and thanks to Geoff Wilson and the other members for attending the show each day. Without them we would not be able to attend these events. It is a shame that we fell well short of our standard this year, but I must take the blame for that as I have not had the time to dedicate my efforts to the stand. I have spent many years attending this event and feel it has come to the time when I need to step down and let others move it forward.
Looking forward to seeing all your successes this year
Adrian Read FNVS Chairman Northern branch
We are definitely seeing
a change. Spring time
this year came and went
quickly with snowdrops
and crocus appearing
but not lasting long. The frosts are still around in May which will catch out the early growers who insist on planting potatoes as soon as possible. I have seen so many pictures of leeks and onions in polytunnels that look so far advanced I often wonder how many of these will ever reach a show bench!!
trials we carried out for ADAS earlier
in the year provided some interesting results with peat free composts not reaching the standard required for commercial growing. The plants were not able to maintain the healthy growth for as long as required in the plug stage and would have suffered in the early stage of growing into bedding plants if they had been used. Feed programmes were not sufficient to maintain a constant growth which we easily achieve in the normal peat and clay substrates.
The Northern branch continues to thrive in most areas and events are being held across the north. Please look out for events and meetings in your area. We have so many great growers who will be happy to help you if you only ask.
The NVS website is also useful for
I can’t remember the last rain we had this year. It is unusual to be wanting rain to fall this early in the season.
It is good to see gardeners feeling positive about growing and looking forward to showing again as most of the shows are back again this year. I am looking forward to seeing the growers and produce later in the season when I attend the events to judge the produce.
I have had a busy season at work this year on the nursery. We have not
Manchester and Cheshire DA
We are now meeting again at our usual place of The Hough End Police Club, Mauldeth Rd West, Chorlton M21 7SX at 8pm on the first Tuesday of the month.
It’s been a slow start, but we are getting there. We haven’t booked any speakers
as yet, but we will be getting together a programme of events shortly which we will be putting out on social media.
Twitter @big_veg
Facebook - Manchester & Cheshire DA, National Vegetable Society
We are not having a DA show this year as we want to concentrate on getting
the DA back up and running again after COVID. This doesn’t mean we won’t be doing so again in the future. Even though my leeks and onions won’t be going anywhere I’m still keeping them going for stock.
Please get in touch if anyone would like any more details on our DA
Simply Vegetables 51