Page 62 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2022
P. 62

                                  The Yogis – Debs, Jacqui, Lucy, Mary with Beth
the amazing Hants DA team and the spectacular volunteers for all their help and hard work over the course of the show. I can organise it, but without the team, it would be nothing!
Many thanks to Norman for making the trip to help on Friday. Kelvin and Nigel were once again the dream team on the Seed Planting Zone encouraging children to
grow a pot of beans. Ian was a star with the allotment clearance and Gaye’s help was much appreciated on plant sales. It was great to see Ann and Bob on Sunday, shame they picked the worst day weather wise.
Particular thanks go to all those who grew veg for us to sell, Ted for his fuchsias and pelargoniums, Nigel and Barbara whose greenhouses and polytunnels get packed with plants for the NVS and John Trim and David Shergold who devote a vast amount of growing space to veggies for Hants DA. Special mention goes to Barbara and Nigel who travelled to Oxford to collect some plants which Donald Chester and Brenda so kindly donated to us.
As I missed the bulk of the show, I will leave it to a few of the volunteers to describe their experience:
Debs: “Just wanted to say a huge thank you to the Hampshire branch of the NVS for giving me the opportunity to be a part of the volunteer team on Sunday. I had a FAB time at the show. The allotment was gorgeous, not a slug or cabbage white butterfly in sight. It was an enjoyable day with great knowledgeable, like-minded companions. It was also fun selling the Fuchsias and I lent John my flower wreath to decorate his hat!”
John modelling the allotment
Lucy: “It was my first time volunteering at the NVS event for the BBC Gardeners World in Beaulieu and what a great time I had! Attending on two days, I got a real flavour
of the different individuals in the teams. There was so much support and knowledge available with laughter to make the time fly whilst selling plants to the public. Barbara and Nigel were terrific as were Ted and John to name but a few. The sale of plants from the amazing allotment as a finale was fast and furious! It was a fun time! I look forward to volunteering next year!’
John: “I loved it. The team on the Sunday slot gelled really well. It’s hard to say how we could improve on what we did.”
The Hants DA team are so grateful to the volunteers for their help. We really hope they will join us again next year.
By the next issue, we will have held the Hants DA annual plant sale back at
our old haunt of Wellow Village Hall and in July we will have enjoyed Barbara and Nigel Gould’s kind hospitality for our Open Garden event.
This issue of SV should arrive before the Southern Branch Championships on 26, 27 and 28th July so please come along to the New Forest Show and see us in the Floral Marquee. See the separate bulletin for further details.
Alison Clarke Hants DA Secretary
  2022 EVENTS
26-28 July – Southern Championships @ The New Forest Show
11 Sept – 1pm Annual Show @ Wellow Village Hall SO51 6BR
11 Oct – Italy from Seed to Plate – Paolo Arrigo, Franchi Seeds UK
8 Nov – Growing For The Millennium Class – Mark Hall
13 Dec – AGM + talk
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