Page 63 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2022
P. 63
Kent District Association
Our first meeting of this year was
in March when we had our AGM at Bridge and I’m pleased to say that the meeting was well attended with about 25 members being present. Some changes were made to the Committee. Gordon Francis stood down as Secretary but remains as Treasurer. Chairman is Roger Simmons and Chris Passey was elected the new Secretary. In addition, Chris Spree has joined the Committee
in a general support role. Our guest speaker after the AGM was to be Lucy Cozens from the horticultural supplier Fargro. Unfortunately, Lucy went down with Covid and had to cancel but will now be visiting us in September. Chris Spree came to the rescue with a talk on growing exhibition onions from pips.
In April we were pleased to welcome Harrhy James, Director and Market Garden Manager of Rosewood Acres Farm, near Canterbury. Rosewood Acres is a small, mixed farm focusing on regenerative agriculture. Vegetables and flowers are grown organically using the no-dig method. The title of his talk was ‘No-Dig Market Gardening’ and dealt with the principles, techniques and how to get started. The farm also has a flock of laying hens and Harrhy brought along some eggs for sale. I’m sure that many of us
had a lovely breakfast the
following morning!
As I’m writing this
report in early May we are preparing for our plant sale at the West Kent Garden and Craft Show. Also, we are looking forward to
our meetings in May and June when we shall be entertained by Vanessa Jones and Clive Nuttman. I shall report on these events in the next issue of SV.
Don’t forget that the
Southern Branch are holding a Fun Virtual Show again this year. You can enter from the comfort of your own home, and it is easy to enter – just one photo of each exhibit required. Full details and schedule may be found on the NVS website.
Somewhere under the Rainbow
Don’t forget that the Southern Branch are holding a Fun Virtual Show again this year
Tomatoes for plant sale
Here are a couple of gardening tips from Chris Spree:
I always like to share my tips with others, here is one which you can all practice, once your tomato plants have flowered, every day
gently tap the stem of the plant, it has the effect of pollinating the flower and ensures a high fruit production.
Similarly on hot days spray the runner beans with water, you must wait until the sun is setting, so as not to burn the leaves, this again pollinates the bean flower ensuring a good ‘set.’
The Kent DA meetings are held at Bridge Village Hall, CT4 5JZ on the second Wednesday of each month from March to October (except July). Meetings commence at 7:30pm and are open to all.
Meetings at Bridge Village Hall:
Wednesday 10th August
Norman Dickinson - ‘My 500,000 Other Friends’ a presentation on beekeeping.
Wednesday 14th September
Lucy Cozens from Fargro – ‘Lighting Systems and Renewable Energy in the Horticultural Industry’
Other Kent DA Events:
Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th September
Kent DA Show at Wingham Village Hall. Staging Friday 9th from 6pm to 9pm and Saturday from 8:30am to 10:45am .
Other Kent Events:
Sunday 18th September, 1:45pm
The Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies Summer Show at Ditton Community Centre, Ditton, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 6AH
For more information about the Kent DA or any of the above events please contact Chris Passey on 01732 352707 or email
Chris Passey
Simply Vegetables 63