Page 65 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2022
P. 65
Welsh Section
Branch Report
Our AGM was held at Rhyader on Saturday 19th March. All officers and committee were returned, and Lesley Stone and Gareth Roberts have joined the committee.
We are planning our branch show at Wrexham, and I hope by the time this goes to print we will have the schedules ready. The hall is being returned to normal use after being a covid testing centre.
One disappointing thing we encountered was that the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society’s show at Builth Wells will see many changes, including a smaller marquee and the absence of trade stands. This was to include society stands like ours, I’m glad to say they have changed their mind and we are going to put a display of vegetables at the show. This is now our main fund-raising event since the RHS Cardiff show has bitten the dust.
forming the Glamorgan DA some time in the early 70’s. In those days, the collection at the national show was not for individuals,
that gas and electricity prices have shot up. I sincerely hope this will not have
too adverse an effect on our hobby. It is quite a relief that the Royal Welsh Show has invited us to exhibit as we have all started plants off for it. It will be great to see everyone in July, well before the show season commences.
Ivor Mace
We have lost a great stalwart of our branch when Emlyn Thomas passed away. A committee member for over 30 years and was of course Mary’s husband. Mary Thomas
is our president and past membership secretary many of you will remember her contributions to the cooking articles in this magazine. Our condolences go out to Mary and their sons.
It is quite a relief that the Royal Welsh Show has invited us to exhibit
but for DA’s. Glamorgan won it at the Reading Show sometime in the early 1970’s. See photo of Brython Stenner, Roy Criddle and me in front of our collection. Gosh we were in our prime then, I remember the rain and the show ground was beside the river Thames, there was water knee deep in the dahlia tent, but the vegetable tent was dry;
Welsh Branch Committee
Meetings 2022
The Welsh Branch committee meetings for the rest of the year will be held on: -
25th June, 1st October, 26th November
All held at the Lamb & Flag, Rhyader, starting at 11am.
If there is anyone interested in joining the committee, please contact me or David Thornton.
Ralph Hall one of our committee members informed us that Roy Criddle passed away last April (2021) we never realised until Ralph shared Christmas Cards with Roy’s wife. Roy lived in Tonna nr Neath, he had a furniture removal business. My mind went back to Brython Stenner
someone up above looks after vegetable growers! Some members might remember Royasheusedtogouptothenorthof England to an onion championship, I am hoping someone will be able to let me have details of where this event was held.
We have had a fairly mild winter here in South Wales, which is just as well, now
The Ron MacFarlane Perpetual Shield
This year we have a new award at our branch show at Wrexham, The Ron MacFarlane Perpetual Shield for small, fruited tomatoes. I am sure many of our members will remember the fantastic branch shows we had at Pembroke. Ron was a member of our committee then and was a local councillor in Pembroke. I have fond memories of Pembroke Castle and several years later the last show we had at Pembroke was in a marquee at the school. Ron’s family have donated a shield for competition annually at our branch show.
Obituary – Emlyn Thomas
It is with great sadness that the Welsh branch have to report the passing of long serving committee member and former show manager Emlyn Thomas F.N.V.S.
He passed away on 22nd February aged 87, after a long illness. Our condolences go out to Mary and sons Gareth and Barry on this sad occasion. He will be sadly missed by his many friends
in the N.V.S. and everyone who had the pleasure of his company over the years, particularly the exhibiting members of our society.
Emlyn was awarded his F.N.V.S. in 2000, the society silver medal in 2008, and the prestigious N.V.S. gold medal in 2017, a just reward for his service. Emlyn served on the Welsh branch committee for over 30 years, and it was always a privilege to be in his company, he was one of nature’s gentlemen.
Sleep well my friend.
Roy Tudor FNVS
Simply Vegetables 65