Page 64 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2022
P. 64
Sussex DA Report
The Sussex DA held their AGM on Wednesday, 9th March at the Ashurst Village Hall which was rescheduled from the cancelled meeting on 5th January. We have had a couple of changes in
that Paul Dalby stood down as Chair,
a position that he has held for the past four years and Marion Neden also stood down as Secretary.
I have now been elected as Chair after shadowing Paul as Vice-Chair. Marion
has agreed to continue on the Sussex Committee and to carry out a limited number of her previous commitments,
but we had no candidates for the role of Secretary, so the remaining responsibilities will be split amongst the Committee Members. On behalf of the Sussex DA, I would like to thank both Paul and Marion for the commitment and hard work given to the DA and Marion’s future involvement on the Committee. After the AGM we were treated to a presentation
most eye opening as to what can be grown in pots.
The weekend of 23rd and 24th April saw the DA having a presence at the
South of England Spring Fair, where we had a
variety of vegetable
plants for sale (see Photo) together with items of NVS merchandising. We were also involved in a Gardeners Question Time Panel with left to right, Mary Masters (Chair), Clair Wilson, Drew Crane and Paul Dalby in the photo. The weather was not
too kind being a little windy, but at least it remained dry and the weekend was very
Marion on stall
successful for us and picked up a couple of new members.
Our next outing will be on 4th and 5th June at the Floral Fringe to be held at Leonardslee Gardens and is quoted to be “a quirky, quality, family-friendly event with a vintage twist”. This is the first time that we have attended and I will provide a report in the Autumn SV.
I will also be reporting in the Autumn SV on the Sussex DA meeting scheduled for 11th May, where we will be entertained by Mark Dobell who discuss the Modern Kitchen Garden, a subject dear to all of our hearts.
Norman Dickinson
Sussex DA Chairman
given by Jason Ralph-
Smith, MD of Autopot
Global Ltd, where he
demonstrated the benefits
and expandability of the
Autopot system and had a
number of the components
available for inspection by
our members. We have
tentatively agreed a visit by
Sussex DA members to his
R&D facilities in the autumn, which having already had visit I can assure you it will be
“a quirky, quality, family- friendly event with a vintage twist”
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