Page 33 - Simply Veg 4 2022
P. 33
G Roberts – Carrots Topweight
terrible fight with some aphids in his earlier attempts (twice), however all the seeds that were left were sown and had a 95% germination so end of July the plants were just about big enough to plant out, so they are now netted with new net and growing nicely. Phil reported – it’s a bit late in the season but hopefully
we have decent weather
through September and
October and get some
decent plants.
‘Dionis,’ Brussels Sprout ‘Cascade,’ Cabbage ‘Hispi.’ These were sown on the 23rd
May, potted up on the 13th June, planted out on the 1st July, with this photo on 1st Aug. all looking very healthy. Peter had
a 0% germination with his “topweight” carrots (not sure why) , but Peter had
G Roberts – Sweetcorn -Mirai Gold
sowed it on the 28th May, achieved 100% germination by the 4h June and found it to be a great crop, very productive, strong healthy looking crop. Peter advises he will certainly grow it again. At the same time, Peter’s Rubino Spinach also had great germination, but has looked to be
a poor looking crop, and going to seed 28/07/22. Peter had zero germination
with his celeriac “Neon” (not sure why),
but his Cauliflower, Dionis had 100% germination. It was sown on the 28th May in the greenhouse, germinated 4th June, was pricked out into 3” pots 19th June and planted into ground 11th July. Peter reported it’s growing well, with good looking strong plants, protected under environmesh.
Well there you have it, we have captured a small amount of the feedback received to date and will look to gather more to share with our sponsors, well done and thankyou to all who are carrying out these trials and sorry if we did not manage to print everything this time around. We look forward to the Winter edition to find out more.
Colin Robertson
(Angus) reported some
great germination with
95% to 100% for all bar
one of his seed variety’s.
His Sweetcorn, Mirai Gold had a 30% germination, yet his own “Swift” sweetcorn had a 95% % germination at the same time. Colin also felt the Mirai Gold was a bit slow growing in comparison to Swift.
Peter Fitch (Moray) reported that his brassica’s looked very healthy. Peter has grown Cabbage ‘Marquess,’ Cabbage ‘Tourmaline,’ Broccoli ‘Bibilon,’ Cauliflower’s growing well, with good looking strong plants
100% germination with the Aubergine Patio Baby and the Runner beans, “Prizewinner” are looking very healthy too.
Penny Hope (West Sussex) reported that she sowed the Hispi cabbage and the spinach Tormaline into cells. She also planted
some beetroot of her own as a comparator due to using a peat free mix. They have germinated well although the cabbage has got a bit leggy. Penny reports that this will be rectified when she plants them out though. We look forward to seeing your progress, Penny.
Peter Atkinson (Dumfries) had a great success with the Spinach, Monteray. He
Peter Fitch – Brassicas
Penny Hope
G Roberts – Aubergine Patio Baby
Simply Vegetables 33