Page 57 - Simply Veg 4 2022
P. 57
Westmorland & North Lancs DA
We are starting our report with sad news some of you may already know that Ronnie Jackson passed away suddenly. Ronnie was a true gentleman and a brilliant grower of vegetables, notably large exhibition onions, up to 250g onions and leeks and was a regular winner at the highest level. Ronnie was
a regular attendee of our meetings for many years and will be greatly missed.
As I write this report our D.A. is on summer recess, our talks starting again in October.
In my own garden I have had mixed successes with very poor germination of carrots and parsnips early on, possibly due
to dry conditions. Also, peas and potatoes took an age to emerge and were very slow growing, though both caught up eventually and did very well. The parsnips emerged eventually but most of the carrots I had to re-sow. I also grew heritage purple podded peas and kohl rabi for the Lancashire D.A. display at Chorley Flower Show, the kohl rabi were grown in a small window box in a wood fibre based compost and did really well.
I entered three classes for sweet peas at the Westmorland Horticultural Societies Summer Show and won all three. These were the first sweet peas I’ve shown for about eighteen years, so I had to watch
other exhibitors to see how to stage them! Our meetings are held on the third
Thursday of each month October to April at the Club Inn, Endmoor LA8 0EU at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome but please do check before travelling due to the ever-changing situation with covid.
Further details; jim.robinson45@hotmail. Tel. 015395 61053
Simply Vegetables 57