Page 59 - Simply Veg 4 2022
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West Midlands DA
The committee ran our 6 metres by three metres stand at Gardners World Live at the NEC during August.
The stand was set up by albert walker, Wendy Brickstock and Graham Brickstock on the Wednesday morning. We were informed late on that we had to finish setting up by 1.30pm which we just about achieved.
The stand was manned over the four days by Peter Waldron, Sandra Hall,
Albert Walker, Wendy Brickstock, Anna Brickstock and myself Graham Brickstock. We were pleasantly surprised to achieve a silver medal and some kind remarks from many of the people visiting our stand both about our display and the plants and items we had for sale. Albert Walker impressed by selling all the elephant garlic that he supplied and we also sold out of volcanic rock dust and bio char.
This was a great achievement as the
attendance was restricted due to corona virus and provides the DA with well earned funds to run our meetings.
We have prepared a full programme for 2022 and if anyone would like to receive a copy in the post please do contact me. I have attached photos of our stand to illustrate the large number of vegetables and herbs on display.
Graham Brickstock, Chairman
Vice Chairs Report
On Saturday 11th June at 12.05 our 3rd committee in the year took place at Kidderminster Scout hut. A welcome from the vice chair was followed with the sad news of the death of Ronnie Jackson (Northern Branch), a gentleman of great talent in growing and a showman who excelled, he will be truly missed.
Our Midland Branch Committee members attended Newport Show on Saturday 9th July who put up a great display stand. Jean and I also judged the Vegetables and Flowers. It was a long but good day with plenty of sunshine.
Another committee plan was discussed and agreed for a display/publicity stand at the Shrewsbury Flower Show 12th & 13th August which, at time of writing, is eagerly anticipated.
Congratulations go to our West Midland’s DA who were awarded “silver” for their stand at Gardeners world Live at the NEC in Birmingham (16th to 19th June), well done to the team. I would also like to thank our Midlands Branch Members who volunteered to support Marshalls Seeds in manning their “food for thought” garden at Gardeners world Live. Marshalls were extremely grateful for your help.
On a personal note, I was delighted to have been advised of having been awarded an NVS Fellowship certificate along with Albert Walker from the West Midlands DA and for my Wife Jean Forrester to have been awarded an NVS silver medal.
At time of writing, I am looking forward to the National Championship at Malvern which is being hosted by the Midland Branch. Good health and fortune and also good luck to you all.
David Forrester, Vice Chairman
The Midland Branch are looking for a chairperson, treasurer and membership secretary, these are key positions in the branch and help with its smooth running.
They are not too time consuming and there is a lot of satisfaction in carrying out these voluntary roles. Please consider putting yourself forward and if you require any further information contact Graham Brickstock.
Simply Vegetables Binder
Store your magazines away. Each binder holds
12 magazines.
(3 years worth)
£5.00 + £2.95 P&P
To purchase contact: Sandra Hall FNVS, Midlands Branch, on
01952 541396 or email:
Bucks DA
The Bucks DA have had two garden visits over the summer, the first one the annual visit to John Branham’s Garden.
The Bucks DA members were joined by a welcome visit from Sherry Plumb and
her family. The second garden visit was to Rycote Chapple where 28 DA members were joined by an Oxfordshire NVS member, and we hope to see her at are future meetings. The tour started with a talk about the history of the house, chapel, and gardens.
Currently the Buck DA members are getting ready the veg for their annual display and stand at the Bucks County Show on Thursday 1st September and of course our local shows.
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