Page 45 - RADC 2016
P. 45

Bay to Bay Swim –
22 July 2016 Episkopi Garrison
LCpl Larwood RADC
Bay to Bay is a 2 km sea swim event that took place at Episkopi Garrison in Happy Valley. The 2 km route begins at Lemmings beach kite sur ng club and  nishes at the Military Training Wing water sports centre at Tunnel Beach, which is the home to a whole host of water sport activities. Bay
to Bay is held annually and this year was organised by the now resident infantry unit, 1st Battalion the Duke of Lancashire’s Regiment, the event was open to all civilians and military personnel here in Cyprus.
Bay to Bay had an early start of 0545 hrs in order to register and number the 200 competitors. Although I had been
a tad dubious of this event I didn’t feel nervous just anxious to get it over and done with, I was more concerned about what time I could get and compare it
to the elite competitors. British Forces Cyprus TV and Radio were there recording everything making the event feel superior, thereby making me feel like a total novice. Nevertheless, I just reminded myself I’m here to have fun and do the best I can with my friends.
I have spent almost three years in Cyprus, so I am coming to the end of my time here. On my  nal year I want to make the most
of the opportunities this island has to offer. Having been aware of this event since last year I have had time to mentally prepare myself as well as physically. I have always been a keen swimmer, I have been for over 20 years, however I have found swimming in the sea to be a lot more daunting and challenging than in a pool. It’s taken me less than a year to gain strength and improve
my technique to be able to achieve this goal, thanks to the support of those in the Episkopi swimmers group.
Many Saturday mornings have been sacri ced since March to go out with Episkopi swimmers group to practice the Bay to Bay route.
Naturally the swim taking place in the sea requires a lot of attention to health and safety, 1LANCS had plenty of volunteers on
standby. The swim
bowed around a cliff
separating the two
beaches of Happy
Valley, there were 5
small sail boats lining
the route, with a life guard stationed on each one, as well as numerous volunteers in kayaks to offer assistance if required. These markers were very useful to me as I tend to stray off course a lot, if only I could just swim in a straight line I could have knocked about  ve minutes off my overall time.
After an hour of preparing ourselves, familiarising ourselves with the route, getting kit and last minute snacks, everyone gathers at the starting line waiting for the pistol to  re. All 200 of us jump in the water at once making the smooth shore water particularly choppy, thankfully the Mediterranean waters were roughly 20 degrees so it wasn’t a nasty shock to the system.
I stayed strong throughout the race and attempted the big ‘sprint  nish’, I feel a little too soon though as the pull of the shore was just too much for me to keep it up. Finally crawling out of the sea, a little dizzy, I run through the  nish line to collect my position
token of 101.
By the following
week the times were announced, the winner came in at 23.43, I came in at
38.54. Only 15 minutes slower than the winner! Unfortunately, half the competitors were all about 15 minutes faster than me so I didn’t make it to the podium. I did get a T-shirt and free bacon sandwich though; satisfaction enough, after all you can’t eat a trophy.
I’m very glad I have made the effort to compete in Bay to Bay and it is a shame that I may not be able to have another go next year. This hasn’t disheartened me though, I still maintain my  tness and this has in fact spurred me on to set another challenge. Now I continue training with the Episkopi swimmers group to help me for triathlons.
To anyone that is posted to Cyprus in the future, there is a wonderful opportunity to take on a wide variety of activities to keep off that infamous ‘Cyprus stone’ and have so much fun doing it within the supportive BFC community.
...the event was open to all civilians and military personnel here in Cyprus

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