Page 36 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 36

36 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
     Capt Oldfield and Maj Dunn testing comms on SPTA
unsettling the master plan through well-meaning acts of per- sonal initiative.
A short week of rehab took place after returning from CMR before MT rolled out onto Salisbury Plain in its deployed role as the A1 Echelon. Now, an Armoured BG is a thirsty beast, with the Squadrons and Company regularly needing to refuel and take on stores from the A1 Echelon. This in turn neces- sitates the A1 Echelon having enough stores and fuel ready, in the right place and at the right time to replenish the BG. Not as simple as it may first seem. Add in the MTO and MTWO put- ting the A1 Echelon through an enhanced Battle Craft Syllabus (BCS) training package at the same time, made for some late nights and well tested tempers. However, at the end of the first week the troop had passed the BCS tests and had found the battle rhythm that would see us through to ENDEX.
The exercise progressed much as we expected, with the MTWO taking numerous short trips into Larkhill and Rollestone camp to keep his coffee and cigarette supplies going. Usually tak- ing the MTO along, who was strapped in for the ride. Cpl Matthews spent 12 hours sat alone in a bush waiting for a lift, and the UST crews just kept on trucking, often through the night, to keep the BG supplied. The other noteworthy addition to our exercise was the weather. It was an extremely wet period across the country, and Salisbury Plain was no exception. The rain and mud worked well together and did not fail to provide
“Caught” SSgt Parker RAPTCI and friend seen ordering big in a local Greggs
us with a further test of our personal administration in the field if one was ever needed.
Ex IRON CYCLONE and the rehab of the fleet led us all right up until summer leave, and it was a tired but well trained and happy MT which disappeared in many different directions for some well needed R&R.
The last quarter of the year has seen MT enabling the much anticipated “Summer of Love” which was lots of Adventure Training, Sport, and Battlefield tour type trips across the UK and into Europe. All of these activities needed support from MT, and the synch matrix of who was where, and in what vehicles, was an ever-evolving test of the MT teams’ powers of planning, patience, and communication.
Toward the end of 2023 MT said goodbye to SSgt Duncan on promotion and welcomed in Sgt Bradbury from D Sqn. Tpr Rowe had also decided to move on and left us to return to civi street, the Troop wishes him well.
It is often said that a squadron or department has had a busy year, and MT in 2023 is no exception. Our support to the Regiment has always been our absolute focus, and I will finish by saying that this year MT has not been found wanting.

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