Page 38 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 38

38 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
 Light Aid Detachment
The beginning of 2023 saw KRH LAD simultaneously recover from Op CABRIT 11 (bringing multiple vehicle plat- forms back to the UK with them), whilst the ROG element was tasked to supply Challenger 2 to Ukraine and supply a team to provide 24/7 support to the Ukrainians learning to drive and operate the tanks in Bovington. The team worked hard, integrating with the civilian workforce, overcoming many frictions. Cpl Will Lock, with his many years of experience around heavy armour still found himself on the wrong end of a torque wrench and ended up needing a hug from the med- ics. Sgt McLaughlin, who was trawled as a DMI, kept the team busy with his endless stream of breakdowns/accident damage which just happened to be at the weekends. As always, a lull in work meant the opportunity for a beer and a curry.
With the Regiment returned from well earned POTL, there was no time to ease back in gently as the entire Regimental BUF had to be regenerated to deploy on live fire ranges in CMR and deploy onto SPTA for Ex IRON CYCLONE. With some amaz- ing weather the Regimental range package was a huge success. Armourers were working into the night with multiple CR2 bar- rel changes and even a turret lift! The Techs were also busy as always with Sgt Jasinski’s diagnosis dice working overtime to deplete all the repair stores in record time.
Ex IRON CYCLONE saw all Fitter Sections deployed onto SPTA in some capacity for three of the wettest weeks of sum- mer ever witnessed. This didn’t prevent the KRH LAD from achieving outstanding equipment availability even with some questionable CRARRV navigation and Lt Brown in his Challenger 2 trying to take up the same point in space and time as a Recce Warrior. There were even rumours Lt Allen crashed his tank into a clearly marked embankment and ditch but with no photographic proof, did it happen? LCpl Needham was lucky enough to celebrate his birthday on the area with some ORP vanilla sponge cake, the lucky devil, while Cfn Nielsen had the opportunity to develop some dismounted skills, being taught GPMG by LCpl Sikdar.
With 24 hours’ notice SSgt Harvey (A SQN ART) and Cpl Collins (C SQN Armr) were rapidly deployed on Op INTERLINK at the start of November, to command a team to inspect and repair equipment. One vehicle required a new barrel and almost every turret component replacing. The team worked through the night to ensure all systems were inspected and all spares were on demand ready for a 0900 hrs O Group with PJHQ. Just two days later the team handed the vehicle back to Babcock, fully functional.
Welfare, Sport and Adventurous Training
 Despite yet another frenetic year, the LAD managed to find time to conduct some AT, sport and cultural visits in what was termed ‘the Summer of love’ after Ex IRON CYCLONE, first on the agenda was the Battlefield tour to Berlin which included a number of days of pre-study down at Bovington. The trip which took in several battlefield sites around Berlin and was particularly well received. Many of the local delica- cies Germany had to offer were sampled and enjoyed by all but none more so than the Warsteiner.
The LAD have had a great year in sport with many achieve- ments and prizes picked up. Cpl Laura Hodgson and LCpl Shelley Davidson represented the Corps at cross country with LCpl Davidson picking up a 3rd place at the Inter-Corps cham- pionships. LCpl Maddie Hempell won the UK Armed Forces sports team of the year award, for her tug of war exploits. Further achievements for the LAD include SSgt Harvey and Cpl Lingdren both representing the REME at Ice Hockey with the REME Stallions, winning the Army Cup in 2023.
On the adventurous training front Sgt Jasinski and LCpl Smith embarked on a 12hr trip to Inverness to carry out some kayak- ing, both thoroughly enjoyed themselves for the week despite the frigid October temperatures, though it was almost all for nothing when Sgt Jasinski couldn’t find a helmet big enough to fit him.
Arte et Marte
The Light Aid Detachment has had a busy and enjoyable year “keeping the punch ” the King’s Royal Hussars. We look for- ward to the numerous challenges of 2024 on Ex COMBINED RESOLVE, Regimental ranges, and laying the foundation for deployments on future Op CABRITs.

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