Page 59 - The KRH Year of 2023 (CREST Sharing)
P. 59

Nordic Hawks
The lesser spotted Nordic Hawk, not seen at large since the 2019-2020 season, was finally this year reintroduced to the wild. Easily identifiable at a distance, the giraffe suited team were an instant hit in Norway – quite literally for Tpr Edwards, who dislocated his shoulder on day three after an unfortunate fall. The team, comprising Lts Campbell and English, Cpls Elliott and Parry, Tprs Hart, Plunkett, Roberts and Edwards, set out (paperwork miraculously complete) for three weeks training under the auspices of Marc Walker, the RAC Training Camp chief instructor.
The typically spartan regime – morning skiing followed by afternoons on the range – did not totally prevent relaxation, especially for Tpr Plunkett who acquired an unquenchable appetite for £10 pints of Norwegian beer. Credit for turning bambies-on-ice into confident skiers must go to our coach, Lee Jackson, veteran of the 2010 and 2014 Winter Olympics and honorary “cherrypicker”. With only Cpl Elliott (veteran of the 19-20 season) knowing what an earth to do with waxes and skis, the team quickly honed our skills with RAC friendlies giv- ing confidence that all would be well.
A short break over Christmas before a New Year’s Day deploy- ment to Serre Chevalier, France, saw the team compete at RAC Championships, and a chance to see Nordic Committee mem- ber Capt Worth on the løypes. Cpl Parry was awarded the Top Novice prize, the first KRH prize.
RAC Championships complete, Tpr Roberts returned to Recce Troop and career courses while the KRH and QDG bade fare- well to Cavalry comrades and headed off to Les Contamines for an intense Divisional Championships. Against stiff compe- tition the team performed strongly in classic and biathlon races – winning the top novice prize on the Classic Relay – before coming third of 17 teams on the infamous Military Patrol Race.
Cpl Elliott showing off the giraffe suit in Beitostolen, Norway
Through constant rain and over tricky terrain Tpr Plunkett, deadly accurate on the range and uncompromising in his deter- mination on skis, won the day for the team. Tpr Hart, an earlier victim of the løypes with a sprained wrist and ankle, added to our casualty list. With great joy the team were announced as the Wild Card chosen to go to Army Championships. At the time of writing, with Divisional Championships behind us and our next migration to Bavaria ahead, the Nordic Hawks are in high spirits for the races to come.
The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 59
        Winners of the Top Novice Team in the 4x7.5km Classic Relay: Cpl Parry, Lt English, Lt Campbell, Tpr Hart with Brig Tim Crossland, Comd 102 Bde
   Tpr Edwards could’ve mentioned a family history of dislocation...
 Tpr Hart: A theme emerges
    Lt Campbell, Cpl Elliott, Cpl Parry and Tpr Plunkett ahead of the Military Patrol Race. The team came 3rd of 17.
  Tpr Plunkett channels his inner Heroes of the Telemark

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